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That final moment made me LOSE MY MIND



Brandon Duckett

claroos' stare after the comment about the suicide note killed me XD

Brandon Duckett

Lol Nerdy's faith in Errinwright and Claroos' almost knowing reactions are amazing to watch.


Because of talking to each other and looking away, you missed a MASSIVE plot point when Bobby and the spy were talking in the drop ship.

Bryce Carlson

I still believe that to this point in the series, my favorite line starts: "This is the warship Rocinante ,,, "

Bryce Carlson

In the novels, Avarsarela hires Bobbie as her "bodyguard" and when she tells Cotyar to give her a gun she replies, "With a gun, I'm a bodyguard. With my suit, I'm a damned superhero."

Bryce Carlson

In "Back to the Butcher" Fred Johnson tells Holden that the ship he's on (the Roci) usually crews 30 with a complement of Martian Marines on board.

Tom M

Damn! The scene with the Belter refugees always gets me. It is also a great example how people in a good community act under pressure, especially if there is suitable person in charge. Alex. He actually had his mini-arc this season. From a failure to save a drop pod in episode 2 to saving an entire ship of refugees in this episode. The entire exchange between both gov officials responsible for defence after which one of them is dead adds more depth to the entire conflict between Mars and Earth. No side trusts another, especially if there is a ground breaking technology in sight. Cucumbers. I like this detail a lot. Cucumbers are really inefficient if you have to use limited resources in a responsible way to feed the population. So it becomes a luxury. No wonder Bobbie grabs and eats so much. The next episode - in my opinion it feels more a season finale than with the first season. Perhaps because we know our characters so much better... but no spoilers. Take care!

Bryce Carlson

It feels "Star Treky" because Avarsarela is on board the corporate yacht of multi-billionaire Jules-Pierre Mao.

Bryce Carlson

You will never get a better demonstration of the Belter's utilitarian ethical structure and their ability to fatalistically accept logical necessity that this scene with Chappa.

Bryce Carlson

Jared Harris got wrapped up in shooting a series in Eastern Europe and with all of the Covid protocols, he could not commute between there and Toronto to shoot The Expanse.


Yall were such a joy to watch on this episode!!! Can't wait for the next one!!

Shawn Anomaly

The infamous "52" episode that no sane person escapes from without shedding some tears or at least some watered up eyes! Definitely an episode to hit the feels. Now onto what's about to be a very wild finale! Is it next week yet?


I had a huge grin on my face the entire time, you made that so entertaining.

ARS22309 IJustWantToLikeComments

i was cryin with you Nerdy...don't worry ;) edit: and this is my however many times rewatch of this episode lol

Ashley Snow

Maybe the best reaction yet. The whole time Errinwright was writing the letter had me laughing so hard. Just when you think he might be starting to come around too…

G. T. Blackwell

In The Hunt for Red October, Alec Baldwin shaves and does not cut himself. Also Harrison Ford in The Fugitive.

Amber A

I think Nerdy wasn't too off the mark on Errinwright...it's just that his "I'm going to take responsibility and maturely handle this best I can" took a trip to the trash when he learned Avasarala was heading out to see Mao. it opened a door for him to take advantage and try to get back into the game. The "52" scene just kills me every time. It really highlights the general difference between the belt and inners. Sure, everyone's desperate to survive, but these are people who have likely faced death (or the real potential of death) multiple times and had to make peace with it. The ability to operate calmly under the certainty that all but 52 would die, barring some miracle, and make the right decision to save as many as possible, really hits home. Very utilitarian and practical, and harkens back to what Dawes said to Miller in S1 when he told the story of his sister. Just the finale to go for season 2, it's been a hell of a ride!

T. Arnold Ferguson

Jared Harris is in so much demand, he is always tied up in other projects, despite being a fan of the show himself.

Kim Vidas Davey-Irvin

"there's a name for that kink." best line lost in the minutiae, EVER. lol.


Ty Franck, one of the writers of the books and a producer the show, and Wes Chatham who played Amos discussed this on their podcast. Wes said "This isn't one of your episodes, is it?" Ty said no, Wes said "I can tell because there's some positivity about human nature" A lot of people dislike Naomi for reasons I won't speculate on. I don't understand how anyone watching this episode can hate Naomi.