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your patience with dealing with people on the internet it's actually kind of amazing lol




Can’t wait for the reaction to next episode’s musical 😂


"it's not as brilliant as people make it out to be " " even the eye thing ", why the confirmation bias ,how about asking before concluding such things ,think of the lore secondly everything this ep is its own variational aesthetic and persona with the marlean uniforms and the color palette in Marley , the outfits are fitting for the current 1900s times period ,and the armbands while occasionally hard to look at make sense ,the setting in Marley is also very sandy and warm .Pretty sure there is no proof isayama took any additional inspiration this ep from any unpopular conspiracy theories u may know be familiar with .. that most of us aren't ,about some underground Jewish thing , most animes only takes inspiration in the most superficial kind of ways. Japan is a isolationist country mangaka usually only know the superficial things about WW2. Note : most anime including fmab and the devil of rhine also employ.Nazi iconography I think it was mostly because fmab was so successful that you say your mom decided to go on ahead and employ it in his work as well. But I don't think Japan takes the iconography it in the same way that western watchers would, I do think there may be some hints of inspiration from more deeper ww2 historical elements that may be very unknown.

Anna Kyruin

I've posted something similar before, and Nerdy probably won't see this, but I think watching Nerdy's response to season3.5 and 4 has really opened my eyes to how closely the whole setup in Marley is a direct analog for the conspiracy theories the Nazi's used against the jews. I have a much different take than Nerdy though in that I think this was fully intentional and the idea is to grant all the conspiracy theories the Nazi's had as fact in a fictional world and show how they would still be monsters to do what they did. I don't think that's the point of the show, but to me it feels like the point of including such a direct and obvious analog. Also I'd like to point out that (at least according to the documentaries I've seen) Japan has a Naziism problem, the education system tends to downplay the crimes of the Germans and the society at large has a flourishing appreciation for German military of the time when the holocaust took place. This makes the inclusion of these themes in Isayama's work far more topical to a Japanese audience than it is to a western audience where our fiction has been chock full of direct allegories to WW2 for a generation. (edit: I should point out here that Japan has a TON of WW2 analogs in their media, but they are usually to the unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity of using weapons like the Hiroshima bomb)


I am not sure if you really got it, but Willy (and the Tyburs in general) did not command the Marleys to hunt Eldians or something. He literally said, that after The Great Titan War (100 years ago) the Tyburs let the Marley just do. The Marleys decided on her own to be shit. He literally said that. The Tyburs gave Marley freedom (by freeing them from the Eldians) and power (by allowing to keep the Eldians and Titans). The Tyburs got the luxury treatment for actually being heroes. Hope you will come back to this discussion in a few episodes.

Anna Kyruin

I think they are not suggesting that the Tybers literally told Marley to do that, but rather that the Tybers seem to have a ton of control behind the scenes and didn't stop them. The whole concept of all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing etc.


In the same episode we got told that Eldians in Marley are better treated like in other countries. I would assume it‘s actually Tyburs work.


This episode we learned Falco is from the same family as grice , the restorationist. So that is why Falco is more open minded because his family is more used to doubting things. Don't forget about the marlean hero Helios who defeated King Karl Fritz


You must not have learned about the holocaust, because anybody who has learned about these conspiracy theories. They are some of the main “justifications” Nazis use for their oppression of the Jews.


I don't know about conspiracies ,and by looking at lots of aot reactions most of commenters don't know about them either. Neither does that mean it's actually inspired from them. We went thru these kinds theories back in 2021 they never really picked up any ground neither does majority know or care.


Honestly, s4 is my favorite season and I love it but I did not like the Willy Tybur / Tybur family storyline very much for very subjective reasons. However, to be fair I don’t think it really is a direct implementation of Nazis absurd antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jews being a sinister and malevolent force, working behind the scenes to control the world. Nazis spread this conspiracy theory, which was obviously not true, to sow fear into the people and justify the regime’s crimes and institutional discrimination. In Aot it’s a very different situation in my opinion. Marleyans, as well as the entire world, know about the Tybur family’s influence but they love and respect them anyway. The Tybur family’s influence and diplomatic power is never used by Marleyans or the rest of the world as a justification for Eldians discrimination. Then again, the ww2 imagery probably makes it easier to find correlations even if it was probably not intended by the author. Kinda shoot himself in the foot with that one… so yeah I partly agree with you.


- Reiner’s Wallet paid for its sins , lol If u look closely you can see Reiner’s emptying his walllet for the gabi , falco & others -lol Yes the Cart titan . After switching back from being in titan form for so long , u forget human motion behavior .. it’s llike waking up from a long coma and starting to walk again -Yes that’s his grandad , Also, when he mentions the falco Grice family issues , in the Grisha flashback, the guy the Marleyan 👮‍♂️, pushed over the wall to lead the titans inside paradise 🏝️, is Falco Uncle .Thus Falco ‘s uncle family (the Grice family) was persecuted for a while

Dane Fisette

Give us episode 5 rn lol

Minerva Ravenclaw

Hahahaha the dedication of people who want them to watch the after credit scene 🤣

Minerva Ravenclaw

Guys would you consider reacting to "Dark" or "Succession"? Two top tier series

Minerva Ravenclaw

Although again I don't understand why it's a problem to use real world elements? No one said it doesn't represent the Nazis and Jews but it just doesn't glorify the Nazis... There are plenty of movies and series based on WW2 directly or indirectly I don't understand why it's a problem. Isayama is not saying be like Hitler 😅 he's just presenting this particular story using these elements. I mean Hydra is publicly Nazi and they're the villains I mean that's the same...

Minerva Ravenclaw

Can't wait although not sure how they'll feel about it 😅 but I learned to accept whatever reaction they have 🥲

Eugene Conner

Another Reactor made me realize that it's actually been THREE years since the end of Season 3. It's been 4 years since they fought Reiner, Bertholt and Zeek, but then there was a one year time skip between that battle and the scouts reaching the sea.


Agreed , I wouldn’t say the story Based on jews , I’d more they use elements of it to make it feel more real world like . and like another commenter said , there’s been many movies / shows that based on or borrowed elements of wwii . Never been a problem before it shouldn’t be a problem now


I won't deny the connection between nazis and jews, it is definitely there, but it is not the same, I feel like the stuff in AoT are way more complex. AoT kind of combined modern every day problems with world war 2 situation. Even the hatred isn't just as simple as it was with jews and nazis.


I love your reaction just because of the differing viewpoints you have from most Aot fans but I do disagree with your take on Eren. I will give you Eren in season 1 is pretty weak but after that, you can start to see him building toward this. Especially at the end of Season 3 after he got his fathers memories and the lifeless look he had looking at the sea. I feel like you guys missed a lot of why Eren's character is so good in the earlier seasons.


The story started in episode 1 not season 4 ,the basement is moreso a plot twist/genre switch to the final parts of aot where thematic and philosophical themes are mindbendidly introduced. I don't think it's bad structure as the show isn't watch all these irrelevant parts to get to s4, if you didn't like the original premise in s1, then it made no sense to keep watching.


Regarding Eren’s difference from Gabi, to be fair, eren grew up in a world where his mom and dad were eaten and in a world where humanity had supposedly died outside the wall due to large human eating monsters. Big differences in upbringing lol

david ammerman

The ww2 references are used because I think he really wanted to draw real world parallels. It's supposed to be gross and ugly and remind us of actual history