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Time to fight the Church?!? Sync up for it!



Vincent G

I definitely think the show gets more adult as time goes on. I think the comedy does a somewhat decent job of endearing you to the characters. Especially with how fast paced these first few episodes are. I think also adds some good contrast for the darker moments.

Vincent G

Also good to mention that these first episodes are heavily expedited due to this portion of the story being told in greater detail in the previous iteration of the show. It definitely feels like it’s rushing you through.


Definitely multiple opening songs, can't remember how many but all good.

Justin Broadbent

Just want to say that ya'll always bring up Laura Bailey for good reason but Travis Willingham kills it as Mustang.


Question at Nerdy & Clarus, Are you continuing Attack on Titan or Not ? Asking cuz that’s literally only thing I watch on you guys channel. So like me staying here would be in vain n pointless. Cuz I’m not interested in any of the other shows that you guys are reacting to right now .


Season 4 reacts are gonna start going up on Thursday on Patreon and next Tuesday on Youtube

The Inedible Mattman!

Oh Nerdy ... I love ya buddy. You're doing just fine so far with this show. Yes, you're SUPPOSED to have the questions you've had about the philosophers stone. They haven't given us any information yet on the subject other than a quick introduction to how Alchemy is supposed to work, and that the philosopher's stone is some mythical item meant to do anything. Just like how in the Expanse they don't give a snot if you understand what the heck is happening in the universe or not ... you're just along for the ride until you get the drips of answers you were looking for. Keep going, because I already love your reactions to this and I cannot wait to see your reactions.


Okay kool , hope its this week Thursday cuz that’s what I was told last time (11days ago ) under the Expanse 2x7 comment section

El mapahache (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 19:08:35 Hi nerdy & Clarus, This part is for nerdy to read so i can explain about why it feels weird this episode with its jokes and the second part is for Clarus only it regards the philosopher stone (sorry for bad english its not my first languague) The reason why the height joke was so much here its because both the manga and original fullmetal this was the first episode, it was made that way to show that Ed’s height complex, that people confuse him with al, thats why Ed’s metal hand and Al’s body reveal feels more dramatic, brotherhood first episode is anime original but was made cannon throught certain elements that appers but it also had to show that Ed is small his tragic backstory etc. Now this is only for Clarus regarding the philosopher stone Youre geting confused because you watched both fullmetals in the original there was only one true philosopher stone in brotherhood there are multiples but they work more like batterys the one father cornello had was the equivalent to a AA baterry
2023-05-09 18:43:26 Hi nerdy & Clarus, This part is for nerdy to read so i can explain about why it feels weird this episode with its jokes and the second part is for Clarus only it regards the philosopher stone (sorry for bad english its not my first languague) The reason why the height joke was so much here its because both the manga and original fullmetal this was the first episode, it was made that way to show that Ed’s height complex, that people confuse him with al, thats why Ed’s metal hand and Al’s body reveal feels more dramatic, brotherhood first episode is anime original but was made cannon throught certain elements that appers but it also had to show that Ed is small his tragic backstory etc. Now this is only for Clarus regarding the philosopher stone Youre geting confused because you watched both fullmetals in the original there was only one true philosopher stone in brotherhood there are multiples but they work more like batterys the one father cornello had was the equivalent to a AA baterry

Hi nerdy & Clarus, This part is for nerdy to read so i can explain about why it feels weird this episode with its jokes and the second part is for Clarus only it regards the philosopher stone (sorry for bad english its not my first languague) The reason why the height joke was so much here its because both the manga and original fullmetal this was the first episode, it was made that way to show that Ed’s height complex, that people confuse him with al, thats why Ed’s metal hand and Al’s body reveal feels more dramatic, brotherhood first episode is anime original but was made cannon throught certain elements that appers but it also had to show that Ed is small his tragic backstory etc. Now this is only for Clarus regarding the philosopher stone Youre geting confused because you watched both fullmetals in the original there was only one true philosopher stone in brotherhood there are multiples but they work more like batterys the one father cornello had was the equivalent to a AA baterry

Peter Mikolajewski

The problem with FMAB is that it is Nazi propaganda. They have a Fuhrer, and are conducting genocide on the Ishbalans (Jews). I honestly surprised that Nerdy can bring himself to watch Nazi propaganda, given his comments on AOT. I mean, all of FMAB could be summarised as "it was Nazi's all along".

MBH 77

I know right. The obvious double standards are crazy

Carl Philip Steuch

What the hell kind of analysis is that? Just because there are analogies to Nazi shit in the show doesn't mean it's pro-Nazi. It's just some rather hamfisted imagery pointing to the fact that there's some dark shit going on behind the scenes. Führer Bradley? I'm sure he's a good guy, right? Conflict against some vaguely middle-eastern sounding people? Im sure our guys from this MILITARY DICTATORSHIP were in the right. *SPOILERS* If you've watched the entire show you'll know that the theme of the show is thoroughly anti-fascist. The Ishbalan conflict is repeatedly depicted as a warcrime, and anyone who is touched by the conflict, that we are supposed to have any sympathy for, are deeply marked by it. Mustang and Hawkeye straight out says that they consider themselves warcriminals for participating, and that they intend to stand trial for those crimes once they succeed in overthrowing the ruling military establishment and return their country to democracy.


I don't see how this is Nazi propaganda. It would be if it presents Nazis as something good. Which it clearly doesn't if you watch the show. Would be the same as saying a WW2 movie is Nazi propaganda because Nazis appear in the show...

Peter Mikolajewski

If Claruse called Annie 'just a Nazi', then the same standard should apply to Mustang and Hawkeye.


I disagree with you nerdy on the not knowing the power system is somehow implies all possibilities, logically maybe but def not if we take into account the context of the show, we base our grouding of powers based on what we currently have seen. That just seems like a very unwanting to be surprised kind of mindset. Besides Erens coordinate reveal , the show constantly sets standard for itself that are fairly grounded, you saw the entire return to shigashino arc and the only power that wasn't foreshadowed was reiners consciousness ability everything else was pretty much hinted before so nothing was it random surprise. it's a mystery show , but its power system can't do everything .. titans are literally losing to fictional mediaeval weaponry (odm gear )and then to 1900s weaponry in s4 .. it's way more grounded and limited than most animated fantasy i see(Naruto hxh fmab where every character can make fireworks happen). A good part of aots charm It keeps ppl hooked on the underlying mystique and surprises which most ppl like ,You just gotta enjoy action, surprises until it gets explained. Every intelligent Titan was introduced prior to appearing in a battle so the degree of surprises really was just in their powers which is a fair thing to have in a mystery show for 2 seasons. By the end of the second season they started explaining things. Aot is uniquely the only anime that doesn't tell you the "power system" in early episodes but narratively no character has good reason to , because it's the best interest for the inside the walls to keep believing it's a battle of humans vs countless intelligent titans ( when in reality there's only nine so that's one cost) Now we know the power system can't fully explained because the characters themselves don't know everything.about what phappened 2000 years ago. You can narrow down the abilities by so far you can All Titans Steam, hardening( which you can kind of originally interpret like ice) in a way a Titan can heat up or cool down , seeing past memories ( paths transcend time ) Costs : you die in 13 years, they have limited energy, you can't titan up at any moment if u are tired (s2 ) , you can't titan up if you aren't mentally with a goal (s2) , humans are able to defeat titans if prepared ( stohess, s2) , the warriors just used the scouts ignorance to their advantage. Also first time titan users seem to have difficulty (Eren ) Each titan has its own 1 unique power bertholds mega steam/nuke , Annie's call to other Titans , Reiner's concioness ( paths transcending space), And own unique qualities armor,etc