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Who would you save?



Ferenczi Laurentiu

Arming was always jacked BTW. They all are. Growing up as child soldiers will do that to you

Manifique Tae

great discussion, now i want season 4 it just started the show just started.. best season.. IGNORE THE HATERS you're disaccusion are great

Manifique Tae

this wont be spoiler. if that titan where armin turn into and eat a normal person he stays like that if he eats someone with spinal fluid with the power of the titan he now pocess the power


Just watched Clarus’ twitch stream on her thoughts on S3 and I just want to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed all your reactions and discussions on AOT. With all the “contentious” discussions, thoughts, and all. I think it really really sucks that people are ripping into y’all’s thoughts on the show. It would be so boring if y’all had the same cookie-cutter reaction as any other react channel. I love that you both have your own thoughts and insights on the show and go into detail on it. Like, I can clearly see that y’all enjoyed the show and aren’t hating on it for no reason. While the Jewish/WWII allegorical elements fell flat for y’all, I really do hope y’all continue the reaction for S4 and the rest of the show, there’s so much more that the show offers and isn’t trying to rely on this “crutch” of a story telling device. Personally, as someone who is a staunch social justice and history enthusiast, AOT came off as a story on anti-fascism/anti-racism to me, but I completely understand whatever take you both get from the show. I just hope y’all can tune out the hate and know that there are more people who have enjoyed you and Nerdy’s reaction to AOT 🙏


I don't know think it's a direct parallel atleast . It's applicability, I believe,while it uses WW2 imagery for some uses the show(which maybe I guess adds a sense of appeal to varying degrees for some ppl ) has its own narrative and general messages about war. That are applicable from outside a ww2 context. While it's simple to equate Jews to eldians from imagery in a superficial standpoint( which is intended at those points prob ) , the Marlins are the ones who act like Nazis in the current time, which doesn't make sense since the eldians are German inspired , it's got elements of both groups WW2 in both Marley and eldia in order to deceive short sighed thinkers that it's simply a parallel.(but the use is definitely partially there for shock) .(as alot of things in Aot are supposed to be mindfucks) ,but Aot will have more general themes shown of war that really I don't know WW2 itself being famous for such as generational hatred, in this case it's more emphasized on the racism vs just it being religious practices of actual Jews , propaganda and the complexity and fragility of society easily sucoming to war. Edit: also they haven't watched S4 so it's difficult to really speak wholly about what kind of direction and how the story handles featuring it's themes.


Waw I actually enjoyed this . This is probly the first episode for the season you guys , didn’t complain about ... almost , the cart titan lcan just climb over the wall ya know 🤨. I feel Nerdy does watch this show just to look for flaws


Bro their latest YouTube post is hot with the comments. I wonder if they will end up posting the rest of the series even on Patreon?


Anyone know their Discord?


Regardless if they like it or not aot still a masterpiece lol


I mean, is ok to dislike the show and be super critical of it. However, their points and criticism are flawed. Their arguments are not strong enough and valid to justify their criticism. Im not saying the show is perfect but is definitely among the greatest. It feels like they never watched a mystery show before. When I watched the show for the first time I wanted to know everything as well and I knew that the show will end up answering everything and in the meantime, I simply enjoyed the moments in between like the action, hype moments, character moments. I was having fun not knowing everything and simply make predictions from the small hints or pieces of information here and there. They forgot about suspension of disbelief. Nerdy complaints on how Erwin’s plans always kill a bunch of people and yet he is unable to share what he would of have done to avoid that. Example, end of season two when Rainer and Berthold were running away with Eren and Historia Erwin circled around them bringing with him a horde of Titans which clashed with Rainer and slow him down. Yes, a bunch of people died but it worked and got Eren back, otherwise how in the world would they have saved Eren without some people dying. Remember, Eren is the last hope for humanity inside the walls, without him everyone else is fucked. He is worth the sacrifice as bad as that may sound. For Nerdy not to analyze that much and simple deems Erwin incompetent when he is fighting against an impossible enemy who know more than they do bogles my mind.

MBH 77

Anyone have the discord link?


In a way it’s kinda dumb about them talking about nazi stuff in aot when they are big Star Wars fans and the empire is almost the same shit they kinda are the nazis of Star Wars


Bro, they won't like season 4 either. Looking at the past three seasons it's pretty obvious they won't. Their entire shtick has been to find details to harp on as opposed to enjoying the mystery and trying to figure out what is going on. They just finished 16, 17, and 18 of season 3. Two of those episodes are STILL in the top 10 TV show episodes of all the time on IMDB. 18 being on position #3 currently. I don't watch any of their other reactions (The Expanse is dogshit imo), but I bet their criticism is much more nuanced in those reactions than for AoT, despite AoT rating MUCH higher. It's been obvious their train of thought has been "Damn we don't like this show but it generates revenue so guess we'll just continue watching it, but we don't have to like it". And when you don't like something, you're not going to find the beauty in it, only its faults. That's what's happening, and that's why the comments here are so full of hate.

Mitchell Edward Newton

You'll appreciate the legwork after you catch up. It's meant to be a straightforward seeming concept at first glance.