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Eren Vs Jean The Rematch?!? Sync up for a FIGHT!




I'm with people saying that they should watch the ending scene, and no it doesn't spoil but build excitation for -how are we going to that??- Is there someone who know them that can tell them it as they said they don't read the comments? :)


I think you misjudged the framing of the humor I don't think the fully the source was anime humor ,it's moreso partially military humor , under the reference of how military members life and intentionally simple environment, yell,fight,berate each other as a form of bonding and rough humor , added with very small use of anime directing but it's predominantly military humor. in aot alot of the slice of life moments implicitly suggest appreciating even the simplest things in barren settings.

Aaron Wittwer

I feel like the reason they (or more specifically Nerdy) didn't enjoy this one as much is the same reason they don't seem to like the Red Swan OP. In a sense they are serving similar functions. Both are bittersweet reminiscences about the relative innocence of the past in contrast with the grim reality of the present. Jean and Eren's fight isn't just goofy, it's also kind of sad. Like this is them letting themselves have that playful rivalry because it is something they haven't been allowed to feel for the past 4 months of death and pain and forced maturity, and so it feels nostalgic. Sasha lets herself be ravenous and selfish again. And Armin lets himself start dreaming again and renews his resolve to explore the world outside walls. All as they are about to embark on the most important and dangerous mission they have taken. I, personally, found these moments very moving and memorable so it is frustrating to see Nerdy and Clarus not connect as strongly with them, seemingly because they are often distracted by more plot related concerns. But oh well, everyone experiences things differently I suppose. I think on rewatch, especially, you are more likely to see how thematically important this and the previous episode really are. This is why I kinda hope that they do a rewatch reaction series when they finish. I'd be really curious to see how/if they re-evaluate their original feelings on certain things. There's one thing that Nerdy repeatedly brings up that I don't think bodes well for his future enjoyment of the show, and, to be fair, it's my only major gripe with the 4th season as well. But I hope he'll be able to not get hung up on it too much once we get there.


@NerdyNightly you need to stop on The “needing to know more” vybe and just “enjoy the motion” of the show . You guys keep rushing for answers instead of seeing where things go and I think that’s why you don’t enjoy the show fully

Anna Kyruin

I don't have much to say about this episode except... gawd it has got to be exhausting being a content creator when everyone keeps trying to tell you how to enjoy things the "right" way and how to watch what when. I get everyone has a lot of emotional investment in this series (it is one of my all time favorites), but I really think we're just along for the ride however N&C want to enjoy the series. In that spirit, what is everyone's favorite moments of N&C so far this series? I personally enjoyed the AOT in 9 minutes a lot. Everyone may disagree with Nerdy's opinion of Erwin, but getting to see him experience "Just another day in the survey corp!" was pure gold given that context


Not sure if it's been brought up, but part of why this is considered the end of an arc, is that when an anime studio releases/produces an anime, it's in batches of 12 episodes (a cour). An anime season would usually be anywhere from 1-2 cours (12-24 episodes). So 12 episodes is considered an arc (albeit there have been shows where there are multiple arcs in a cour). It prolly feels weird because for long running shows with multiple seasons, some directors/studios want to end an arc/cour/season in a cliffhanger. That's why these 2 episodes feel like both an epilogue to the last arc and prologue to the next one.

Aaron Wittwer

I was going to put a spaced out spoiler comment, but on a webpage that shows up without you needing click the dots. So instead I'll just say there's a random farm boy involved.


I don't care that they didn't watch the ending scene but I'm worried that they won't know about the end credit scene coming up in 7 episodes


To be fair, these last 2 episodes for the mid season finally. They were used as a small closure to prep for the next part. The end credit scene was necessary but I think everyone who watched the show as it aired understood how great the scene was to leave the show with a tease for the next set of episodes


I don't think the end credit scene will change much either way, it's just well done and fun to see what people think of it.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Well they could've just watched it without reacting if they won't pay attention to details and to character growth. Missing important details in "The bystander" episode was really frustrating! What's more annoying is that they keep focusing on absurd stuff and missing the key point. Now all of the focus is on the hardening and how they couldn't break Annie's hardening... And how did Bert transformed in Episode 4 s01, they saying there are tunnels 🥲 I mean yes these are valid questions but how important to the storyline tho? While missing the important pieces ... I have never seen reactors like this before and I watch plenty🤣😅

Anna Kyruin

Yeah, theyre unique, they are having a different experience, embrace it lol. They will catch up, the show tends to tell you the same thing more than once so they will just react to the same info when it gets reiterated, like when they didnt pay much attention to armins comment about who erin ate, their mind was blown with the more obvious reveal :)

Aaron Wittwer

The "how did Bert get outside the walls" question is pretty easy considering he had ODM gear at that point. Don't think you need a tunnel when you can just hop on over it.


They will try and deduce what happened in that situation,and there ain't too many reasons why , and then won't feel worry for the characters until that scene comes. And it becomes more predictable as the eps go by.

Aaron Wittwer

I've never seen anyone actually watch the show like that. Sure, some people kinda guess what the situation might be, but they won't know specifics and I've never seen it have any negative effect on how they experience any of the episodes leading up to it. On the contrary, it looms over them and instills a kind of dread.

daragh faro



Filmbuffs said he didn't like the ec, another reactor named soto,Sean tank top also ,and to say that's not a possibly i disagree, it's not too hard to craft theory, for tension not knowing the details of how you get there doesn't matter because you know the end result , which is knowing that some characters are going to be alive I think it's likely these two like thinking technicality they def gonna try to dissect. Nerdy doesn't really emphasized with things being things for hype also ,so there's really not much to gain and very much to lose.

Trevus Simon

There is scene a in the middle of the ending, it is very... cliffhangy? I think you should see it


effing true, and call it their experience from watching several shit. like we were born yesterday.


oye intelligent people, in your prejudice, you probably missed to watch mid credit scene. in many future episodes there are end credit scenes, I hope you watch them, they are part of the story.