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Sync up and commit treason with us!




Thank you for the footage on the right ! It helps a lot with the synchronisation even if it’s blurry


Appreciate the visual this reaction ✊🏼


Can’t believe we got a "let’s go Erwin !" from Nerdy 😂 love that


you’ll understand the mechanics of the whole eating thing sooner or later. Santa Claus Titan is definitely not a loose end 😏 keep the theories going 🔥


EDIT: Personally I think that this is a loose end that the show never wraps up. Deleted my original comment / don't want to encourage spoilers or debate here, but I think I'm going to hop back on Nerdy's discord for awhile if anyone wants to argue about it there. Possibly I'm just dumb and forgetting something from s4.


I think the person who gets eaten has to die for the power to be transferred, eren was eaten but still alive inside the santa claus titan and transformed inside in order to escape (this is my own reasoning, not spoilers or anything)


Are we back to one episode per release? I hear two episodes, but I don't see two.


I don't know if you guys read the comments in patreon, Ilse's Notebook is canon. The scene with the girl writing and the titan worshipping her IS canon. The rest is not "canon", as in it's not in the manga. So 95% of that OVA is not canon, but the major plot of the episode IS canon. You are supposed to question why that titan was worshipping the girl. Because it is part of the story.


This is not a loose end. Pay attention to the details and you will figure it out.

Aaron Wittwer

It's a bit more specific than just dying. But basically it's something like that.


I understand the answer that most of the fanbase gives. I still consider it a loose end for a couple of reasons. I started a small discussion on N & C's Discord channel and anyone who particularly cares is welcome to join in or even to directly message me there. But it also really isn't a huge deal either way.


I can’t wait till we get to episode 6

Manifique Tae

dont miss any information on 3x5 tho armin says something


The drawing is supposed to be Levi and is really not flattering ^^;

James Rob Ross

The eating titan thing is a weird mechanic. I wouldn't dwell on it too much. There is an explanation but spoilers.


Regarding Santa Claus Titan, non-spoiler observation to remember is that Eren was still alive in their stomach. He was basically swallowed whole sorta. Just saying, that mechanic does get explained in a specific way.