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It's Hospital time! Sync up and watch along!




I understand what your saying at the end but it doesn't matter if you can actually do or not do in terms of the vaccine, its the fact that Joel is quite literally presented with the trolly problem and he chooses the one over all of humanity. This story is about the people and how the decisions they make affect them. Joel thinks that this would work: killing Ellie and making the vaccine but he says fuck that. No way I'm going to do that, its not about the logistics and technicalities, it's about humans. Which what makes this story so special because while in the hands of other people, it would become about the logistics but where this story thrives is in the decisions of the characters and impact that has on them as people. That also applies to the infected, in the game they had to be the focal point out of the necessity of making it in the medium that video games exist in. Which is the necessity to not make games boring but in the show they could get to the heart of what made the game so special and it wasn't because they had interesting mechanics or anything of that sort but again with the story they were telling. Which did involve infected but the main core of the story were the people, and damn this show did get to the absolute soul of this story. And I know that you guys know all of this but I still felt the need to say it anyway. Sorry if I made you guys feel as if I didnt know that you guys knew that.


When I watched the ending of the first game, I basically had to sit there for over an hour in rage before I calmed down and realized the story the writers wanted tell was not something I could get behind. I might get into part 2 one day, but it'll be a while.


Clarus may have missed the firefly logo on the barn, but Nerdy completely forgot episode 1. Marlene tells Ellie in episode 1 that she placed Ellie in the orphanage for Fedra to recruit. I wouldn't trust the Fireflies with a vaccine even if they had the infrastructure to mass produce one because they'll use it as leverage against Fedra. "We don't bomb civilians" was proved to be bullshit, and there is definitely no way they wouldn't use it to convince people to retaliate against Fedra. It would just be a tool for them to kill more people.


From what I remember of the games, both factions are a bunch of assholes, but at least if a vaccine was available that shit would get out eventually. Something is better than nothing.


To me this episode felt like it was going too fast. Like they were trying to get it over with. I think it should have been at least 1 hour long.


Clarus is right about stem cells in the cord blood. How effective it can be is debatable