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Sync up for Part 2! How did Levi Join The Corps?!?




I have the No Regrets manga volumes and what I understood from reading it is that Levi started regretting his decisions but Erwin explains to him that it was not anyone but the titans that killed his friends (in order to convince him to join the scout’s fight for humanity).


As to why Levi decided to follow Erwin, here’s what I think (and that’s only my interpretation. It could have been delivered in a better way so your opinion is valid). Levi’s only purpose at this point in the story was to be allowed to live on the surface with the ones he cares about. That’s obviously never going to happen because they died so Levi’s is left full of regrets and with no purpose whatsoever. However he notices Erwin is "looking at something no one else can see". Erwin has a purpose guiding every decisions he makes, not matter the cost and with no remorse (I will not elaborate on since it’s spoilers for later episodes). Erwin saw something at the end of that hell and Levi wanted to get even a glimpse of whatever was allowing that man to keep pushing forward. In other words, he finds a new purpose through his hatred of titans (they killed his friends) and through his curiosity about Erwin’s determination.

Aaron Wittwer

My interpretation is that Levi could tell that Erwin is actually moving towards a future that no one else can see. Levi's lived his whole life in a slum where the idea of any kind of salvation is so far out of reach, that people stop dreaming of anything. But Erwin seems to actually believe in a future for humanity and is motivated to pursue it. You see him passionately argue that with the previous commander here. I do agree that I wish there was one more scene where we see Erwin really hook Levi, But the idea is that someone with a dream and motivitation has the ability to motivate others, and Levi recognizes that in Erwin.

Natasha Crandall

I feel like you would really like Attack on Titan in 9 minutes by Gigguk. It's a parody, and it does make fun of Erwin among other things. It only covers season 1 so you wouldn't get any spoilers.

Ray Quigs

Not sure where the idea of a "senator" was invented in your head, that term was never used.


I would even have bought it if it happened a little later, I just found it strange that it took place over the bodies of his friends.


This makes way more sense. I'm starting to worry that the Crunchyroll translations are really getting in the way of this show.


It wasn't Erwins fault a storm came in and gave Titans cover to do what they do. His friends died because they were ambushed by Titans, not because 'Erwin is idiot'.. He wasn't even in command for the expedition. If you want to blame Erwin for yet another thing you think is a failure, at least do it logically. Everyone knows the Scouts have a bad survival rate. Before Erwin, things were even worse, but Eren in the first episode said it best: the Scouts represent hope of one day finding a way to get out of the walls. They are the /sole/ organization trying to find a way out of their cage, and the people who join the Scouts know how risky that is. By your logic, they should never ever take risks and just say in their comfy cage. Frankly, I think your hate boner for Erwin is clouding your judgment here.


I don't hate him. I find the way the show is telling us he is amazing, and then not showing us him at best being mediocre is frustrating. I keep waiting for a moment where he actually commands the team and the closest we have in this whole show is that he told Levi to gas up.


In regards to this episode though, it is all about Levi's perspective, and this is his First encounter with the Survey corps. He didn't go through training with them, has spent 0 time with them, and yet after this immediate massacre, that includes the only 2 people he cares about his immediate supervisor, and reason he is there, Erwin tells him not to regret following him or else he'll die too and Levi is like "totally makes sense"


And the recon formation isn't brilliant, given their limited technology? He can only react to what he knows, and he's already shown in S1 a willingness to admit mistakes and adapt, along with being willing to actually make military sacrifices to achieve victory.... which in this situation, is a necessity to actually get anywhere. Also, Levi can apparently see somethin in Erwin you don't, after his advice. Everyone is different, and he sees value in Erwin.


EDIT: For some reason there were no replies shown when I wrote my comment. :) Probably misremembered when the Councilor was mentioned. So a member of the council. But it's a similar idea.

Rob Not

He's a lost cause at this point, much as I regret having to admit it. There's just been so many factual and contextual misunderstandings coupled with hasty assumptions up to this point which have accumulated into incorrect conclusions that I'm not sure there's a way out anymore. Only so long you can thrash in a net before you're too tangled to move anymore.