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Time for Jury Duty! Sync up your Crunchyroll and watch with us!



Justin Broadbent

So a lot of animes have recap episodes. It is just a thing they do.

Ray Quigs

This episode was essential to understanding the world.....esp. the parts that seem incomprehensible.

Ray Quigs

Don't google anything regarding AOT!!. How the walls came to be has not been discussed at this point in the show.


This episode shows the stupidity of the upper crust within the inner wall. What person in power wants to allow a threat to their authority to exist? I agree that Levi didn't need to take it that far. Maybe it was partly to make the military police think being under Levi's control would be worse than death?


Also, this episode shows a bit of the... eccentricities of the survey corp.


Great reaction! Also yes, no one knows how the walls were made at this point.

Rand al'Thorfinn

Just to second others, yeah there's not really a way to tell you about the walls without spoilers at this point. Don't worry though, it'll be explained eventually.


Agree that this is the weakest episode of the season. As other comments have said, don't google anything. There is an answer to your concern but it doesn't even have to do exactly with where the walls came from / it's just a sea of spoilers out there.


Your questions will be answered in time. Do not look up anything. This is one of the most cerebral anime series in the world, and rewards good observation and critical thinking. Just keep going.