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This is the single most insane episode of TV I have ever seen. Sync UP.




Yes the episode is up!


Definitely pee next time, cuz this show doesn't slow down for awhile and it's hard not to binge the first two seasons.


Would be cool if you could do two episodes a week once chainsaw man is over. Season 1 is still very much about world building and character introduction so one episode a week makes it kind of a drag IMO. It would also add a lot of monthly value for people who subbed for the animes.


We are! Gonna be doing Tuesday and Thursday Attack On Titan after Chainsaw Man ends. Might even do more once we know when the final season is airing if it is possible for us to catch up on time


It's funny you were singing "Dear Maria." There's an old meme that the song works as the opening for any anime. Funimation even wrote an article about it last year. https://blog.funimation.com/2021/04/26/dear-maria-count-me-in-might-be-the-perfect-anime-opening-and-tiktok-proves-it/