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Sync up your copy of the audiobook and join us for a crazy chapter, that also made us laugh harder than I believed possible!



Marty McGee

One of my favorite chapters. So satisfying with both Nynaeve and Elayne. RJ can really stretch out tension and plot devices over several books to the point of frustration sometimes. But the resolutions are almost always worth it. Your reaction to that line was priceless!!

Ciaran McSavvy

Great reaction as always, had me in stitches. Can't wait for book club this week

Eric Kaehler

Be careful not to read too much into the age of the kin. I will avoid spoilers, but it is definately a RAFO thing. More to the story...

Scott H.

JAY-kim is the correct pronunciation of Jaichim is pronounced, per the glossary. You don't have to say every letter of every word.

Kenny Teeology

My grandfather's name was "Joachim", so I tended to pronounce "Jaichim" in a similar way - one which is the the way you mention. https://youtu.be/0NC1f2lw2UI

Scott H.

I'd have to assume that name is what Jordan based Jaichim on. My issue is saying the "ch" like "chair". That feels very wrong. Maybe the glossary pronunciation is based on spanish?