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Highly Educated Trucker

I had the same complaints as you. I really, really did not like the fake-out deaths. You are not alone, as the comment section shows. I muscled my way through it, and eventually Oda found his footing. Remember that One Piece was not the global phenomenon in episode 124 that it is today. Oda was still very much writing for the teenage demographic. It wasn't until the Episode 230 or so that we start seeing episodes written for an older audience. It does very much get better, and it is very much worth it. There are certain episodes I can't even *think* about too hard without getting choked up. (310, I'm looking at you.)


"It wasn't until the Episode 230 or so that we start seeing episodes written for an older audience." huh... that's a pretty surprising take to me. One Piece has never pandered to its audience, and we're dealing with some seriously adult themes and stories right from the beginning. I don't even think the stakes changed that much... the stakes have always been character or emotion driven, not "oh no what if X dies!".


Crocodile can't make poison, he just has poison. For Pell slapping Vivi, all characters in One Piece have flaws. Bellemere slapped Nami. Zeff was terrible to Sanji. Kureha attacked Chopper rather than having a discussion. They have good intentions but don't do the right thing. I'd rather look at it as "no one is perfect, but sometimes you still like them, and that's how relationships are" rather than "slapping kids is good." Huh... not sure I've ever heard someone say they want to drop off after watching Alabasta. Normally either Arlong Park or Alabasta are the point that finally hooks people.