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Not sure if this helps, but a lot of people say that it was Tashigi's meniscus/knee that was "broken" by Nico Robin, not her leg. It has the same symptoms, feeling or hearing cracking/popping sound and can be pretty severe in its own regard. But a torn meniscus, unlike a broken leg, is an injury that you could still possibly walk around with afterwards, just with a whole lot of pain and possible permanent damage to your knee.


Can personally confirm. And Tashigi is definitely the type who would push through the pain


Even if Tashigi's leg is broken, maybe she got it splinted. I do think that's reaching a bit though. But I'm really trying to take a step back and reflect on why this apparently bothers you but not me. I guess the perception is that you're getting robbed of stakes/consequences? But I would suggest that's something you're projecting onto One Piece rather than what the story wants you to expect/experience. Is pain/suffering only "valid" if it has long-lasting consequences? The characters are hurting. The villains are inflicting pain. I think ti's perfectly reasonable for your default assumption to be that the protagonists will win. But I think that makes it very effective when they suddenly don't. Luffy has lost _twice_ now. Crocodile really thought he left him for dead both times. Especially his first loss, I found super shocking. Obviously he's not going to die; obviously Luffy is going to get back up and fight; that's just what's going to happen; we all know it; that's part of the core of the show. Fights are cool shows of strength and prowess; they are never the intended stakes. The stakes in One Piece will almost always be emotional or character driven, not physical. The physical stakes are only relevant to the extent they inform what the characters are doing or trying to accomplish. This is one of the reasons Luffy never kills anyone; that's not the point. To him, once he's defeated your _ambition_, your _dream_, there's no point in physical death. Losing your dreams is the ultimate loss. Luffy doesn't fight to kill people, he fights to end their dreams when those dreams hurt him or his friends. IDK how well I've expressed any of that... but at the end of the day I'd rather the characters get back up and soldier through the pain and contribute more to the story than get dropped to the side due to fighting. I still think it's somewhat valid to say Oda wants to have his cake and eat it too (battle to the death without death) but it just doesn't bother me I guess. The show makes me laugh and cry, and has the best world building and resolutions, and top-tier characters, so I'm happy to go along for the ride. The serious shit matters because the characters think it matters; that's enough for me. There won't be consequences most of the time; this is a fun pirate adventure at its heart. I strongly disagree that the show is shallow now but wasn't earlier; the tone is extremely consistent as far as I'm concerned. This generally isn't going to change. I don't really see why physical injuries must be consistent with the real world; I maintain they're consistent within One Piece's world. Wouldn't be cool if injuries mattered less? That would be cool I think.