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Except, of course, that any of Ishido's spies and all witnesses can of course confirm that Nagakado ordered the death of Jozen, and that Yabushige protested and had no part in it. Exactly as Omi intended when he manipulated him into doing it. My only criticism of the show is *how* well they've cut it down. It's an excellent job, but I miss some of my favourite lines! Toranaga: “Tsuji says that the Netherlands were vassals of the Spanish king until just a few years ago. Is that true?” Blackthorne: “Yes.” “Therefore, the Netherlands – your allies – are in a state of rebellion against their lawful king?” “They’re fighting against the Spaniard, yes, but – ” “Isn’t that rebellion? Yes or no?” “Yes. But there are mitigating circumstances. Serious miti- ” “There are no ‘mitigating circumstances’ when it comes to rebellion against a sovereign lord!” “Unless you win.” Toranaga looked at him intently. Then laughed uproariously. “Yes, Mister Foreigner, with the unpronounceable name… you have named the one mitigating factor.”