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I feel like I should provide an explanation as to my slowed upload times on my Patreon. Recently I found out I had tendinitis. It took me a while but when I found out, I'm glad to let everyone know that it was not severe, nor did I require hospitalization. I just needed to rest it for about 3 days. 

My issue was that I did not take that break until now. And the fact I play PC games on my mouse and keyboard aggressively and use my drawing hand for everything did not help. Not to mention, I did not stretch or give my hand the proper amount of recovery time. I'd draw for 2 hours stretch and regret it for the rest of the day. 

However, I have given my hand the rest it needed and will be treating it carefully to have this happening again.

But thank you all for sticking with me and enjoying and supporting my art. I really do appreciate the loyalty to the craft.



I'm sorry to hear about that, it does not sound like a walk in the park that's for sure. Please, do make sure you take the proper time off that you need to rest!

howabout no

Injuries like these are serious. Please take your time.