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Do not feel burdened by others opinions. You gotta be true to urself and what u believe is right! Every person has diff opinions and they should be respected :D If someone said something to make u feel that way I'm sorry, keep doing you and say ur opinions confidently. Thank u for this reaction :)


I think it's interesting to hear the perspective of someone who supports him. I personally can't watch the documentary as honestly just the thought of it makes me extremely uncomfortable, but I did want to hear your thoughts, so I just watched the beginning and end bits when you spoke. The entire problem is that we do not know what is true or false, and SM/Lucas isn’t making that clear. If all of the allegations are false, you’d think that the smartest thing to do is for THEM to debunk the rumors officially. Not the fans, but the company, through a court of law, publicly. Hell if I was Lucas, I’d be shouting it from the rooftops. If it is true, or even partially true, wouldn’t stating what you’re actually apologizing for be the smartest decision? That way fans can decide for themselves whether or not you’ve changed for the better, instead of funding a documentary…? I don’t really follow that logic, if I’m being honest. From my perspective, putting out the documentary makes it seem like they’re using it to cover up the truth, muddy the waters even more than they already are, because fans/non-fans will already believe what they want to believe, in the absence of the truth. I do however remember him protecting the members, and I am grateful for that — it is something that more idols SHOULD do. (You can’t stop psychotic sasaeng behavior by bowing down to it.) But I also know and cannot unsee the irreparable damage that this has done to WayV. If he didn’t do anything he was accused of doing, then yes, he shouldn’t have even had dues to pay — in fact he should be the one owed an apology, and compensation. If he did, even remotely, (and this might be a harsh take), then I don’t think he has paid his dues at all. 🤷‍♂️ Until at the very LEAST, a clear and specific apology is made. Being a public figure and getting to make money off of fans that might be protecting you blindly is just immoral. (Also SM planting him at different sm artists’ concerts to make the public get used to the idea of him would be a whole other type of ick.) So sorry for the essay in your comment section 😭 Anyways, thank you for sharing your thoughts, we are all allowed to think the way we think! (even if in this case I don’t necessarily agree) [p.s. Seunghan’s case is extremely different to this one, that poor kid was just living a normal life and if I’m not mistaken, SM did outright defend him — in any case, I hope that the hiatus is to his benefit, and that we see him come back stronger, and soon! <3]


After researching this so much the past few days I don't know if I agree that more idols should call out sasaengs behavior because that's how false accusations against Lucas started happening. Orchestrated by these very sasaengs that he called out. You can read more here about that if you want; https://twitter.com/vivikittyz/status/1761614266203812062 Something that is an important fact for me is that he has not committed any crimes, that would make this situation different for me. At most I believe him to have behaved like a douchebag but I'm questioning even that at this point after seen how much he has been sabotaged through organized harassment campaigns and more. https://twitter.com/Han_HanYM/status/1761941248733024430 Personally I believe he now feels ready to attend these concerts and has not before. He didn't leave his house for 6 months and had thoughts of taking his own life. He openly says he felt so sorry that wanted to die in the documentary. I know he felt very sorry to his members. He was recently at Ten's concert with Mark, Jaehyun and Johnny. Also at Key's concert next to Taeyeon and Minho and got a shoutout from Key. Members still follow him on instagram. I agree that SM has handled this very badly since it happened. With the new CEO since March 2023 appearing with Lucas in the documentary is a good sign to me that maybe it's thanks to him this is happening. Obviously he believes Lucas to deserve this documentary and new beginning. I also believe he has suffered enough. The only reason why I brought up Seunghan was because I hope it means he can come back soon, if they brought back Lucas. I take this as a sign of a more forgiving and loving SM behavior but maybe I'm just naive. Cancel culture has turned into something toxic, inhumane and not productive at all in so many cases. That's not what it should be and that makes me truly sorry for actual victims who are not taken seriously. I'm a victim of sa myself so I know. I think in this case with no clarity on what's true or not we have to use our own intuition with the information available. It's a lot to look into and it's confusing, and also a very sensitive subject with possible victims but at this point, to me, Lucas is the victim in all of this. I still completely understand anyone who does not want to support him but I also hope they can move on and not let this incident define him. I believe none of this would have happened if he hadn't called out the sasaengs as aggressively as he did. As you say, it's completely fine for us to agree to disagree. I understand your side and I hope you understand mine. 🥰 Thank you for reading all this omg

_ June

Honestly I kinda understand why SM bring Lucas back to the industry and gave him a second chance as a solo artist, Lucas got the looks and he really got some Witt to attract people, He just got the whole PACKAGE to become A STAR . Before all that shit happened to him, He is kinda the main character in WayV, SM adore him and fans adore him, he got that charm and he knows it, that’s why he lost himself in the industry and did something stupid, and unfortunate he is in a 23 members massive group, if you did something wrong, there will be 23 fanbase judge you and attack you, that’s the whole hatred situation got so uncontrollable. I think he doesn’t deserve all that hate, he learned his lesson, just let him move forward.

jb phinx

This reminds me of the ex skz member woojin. These companies will only protect their company and their money but their protection of their artist almost has a limitation. But also, props to SM on bringing him back and give him a second chance, this doesn’t happen often to every victim of accusations, guilt or not. cancel culture sucks. I hope this is a door for other idols who bullied and cancelled for what they did before for them to have a chance to enter the business again. Kpop fans needs to realize that idols are humans too, they are bound to make mistakes, but rather than cancelling them, have them removed on their group, probably stuggle on getting a new job… give them a chance to prove themselves again and educate them rather than cancelling them. I hope everything turns out great for him, I really do, cuz I also accept my mistakes, and I hope second chances comes to me too.