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Travel vlogs from by favourite boyz are the best! I just love Kevin and his personality, he seems so thoughtful, considerate and kind. Let me know if you want me to continue with Flower Snack next month instead? Or recommend BOYLOGs if you want me to do more of those!





Ahh this is amazing! Thank you for the reaction and taking my suggestion ^^ Kevin really is the best and this vlog actually made me finally muster up the courage and visit Vancouver just a few months ago! Honestly it was the best trip I ever had and I miss Canada so much💛 Anyways,,,, again thank you!

Derian Ortiz

I love this content,thanks for the reaction you're amazing and agree You should continue with flower snack until the last episode, you can't leave us halfway, johan!


I'm not too familiar with tbz but he seems like such a nice guy wow, it's kind of healing for me to watch this type of content, nature it's so pretty and I loved the calm and relaxed vibe of this. I want to live surrounded by nature in a calm place, sadly I live in a city lol, but I hope in the future I can have a house in some pretty place. I enjoyed this a lot and he is a really lovely guy!

Mesha ✌︎

I would definitely recommend either flower snack or the play (where they always play fun games) 😁


This is one of my favorite BoyLog. Kevin could’ve solely spend time with his family but how nice of him to film the entire vacation just to show us🥲 He always dreamed of having a concert in Canada, so hopefully it becomes true this year💕💕


I strongly suggest watching “Walk with Juyeon” episodes. So far, he invited New, Sunwoo, Jacob, Kevin, Younghoon, Sangyeon, and Q. He interviews the members one by one. It’s so cute and heartwarming🥹