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As I talked more about towards the end of the episode, I just love the structure of this show! It feels really refreshing to be able to watch a show and not feel like it's edited to support a certain type of narrative - it feels like this allows us to decide for ourselves what we think. Imagine that, huh 🌝

My faves remain ATBO, DKB, BAE173 & VANNER just off the top of my head but I'm really enjoying seeing all of these group's talents! Can't wait for more, I'm hooked! Let me know your faves and thoughts!





Heavily agree on your option of the editing for this show!! As I also follow along with boys planet through your reactions, it’s no surprise from mnet but it’s really exhausting to watch the toxic competitive environment the show forces on the trainees. It can get really frustrating since we’ll never have the full narrative (what clips or words get twisted, what was shown versus what was not shown, the dramatic background music). With peak time, I really enjoy the more uplifting and raw energy. The only unfortunate thing would be the eliminations but I’m really hoping the best for all the groups participating!


MASC VS BLK I liked BLK performance of 12:30 better. However, I do think it wasn't fair here because there was a problem in my opinion : MASC were only 2 members vs BLK who had 4 members. I feel like it's easier to sing with 4 members than 2 because of the distribution, the members have more time to take back their breath before singing and prepare meanwhile with 2, it's back to back. Maybe it's just me, also YOU ARE, it's really hard, GOT7 sing the song with 6 members, here it's only two. (There was also a problem in my opinion last episode with MONT VS 24K, the songs choice weren't the best for the "BAD BOY theme" because they took songs but i felt like it was different definition of BAD BOY i feel like, GO CRAZY is more a party song it's a bit easier and personally it isn't a song I link with "BAD BOY") For the second match, I agree with the team doing HIT winning DKB VS NTX (i think?) For this round, I would have actually choose NTX. I know "BANG" and I just dislike the music arrangements they did here maybe it's because BANG is one of my favorite song so I'm hard on it. Some part were really good, like the vocal at the start or the "T.R.Y. Do it now. Can you follow me? Yes, uh-ha. T.R.Y. Pick it up. You’ll never catch me, oh no" but that's it for me. Others part were too overwhelming even agressive and it's feel like just what a 4th gen bgs would perform. NTX, I like the fact they rearranged the song but you still feel the original one behind. Also, I don't mind them changing the lyrics, weird at first but that's it. I appreciate the fact they didnt just change the lyrics "Bring the boys out" to "Bring the girls out" like others tend to do. It's way more original that's way. I felt like this performance had a great balance of rap/dance and vocal, very stable. Still i'm disappointed with the fact the groups decided to made it more "manly" but, i'm not surprised. I wished they could step out of their comfort zone. (That's why IN2IT shouldn't have been eliminated, Inpyo and Inho would have show people how girlsgroup cover are done 😭) SECOND MISSION : A lot to unpack ARGUMENT BETWEEN HEEDO / HYUNJAE + RAP INTERIM Honestly, I know that some Korean were mad at Heedo but I don't think the argument was that bad (They are from the same team and when you see the pic they post on TEAM 24:00, they are close). It's just two people with two strong opinion or point of view so conflict happen especially when it's a stressfull time, they don't have a lot of time. It's like when you have a group task in school sometime it's just doesn't match. On this, I get both suggestion/side, none of them are in the wrong. You can see Heedo really want to help his team, he just need to calm a little bit. I can't really touch on the rap mentor comment because I'm not a professional but I think I get what they imply, Rapper in Kpop tend to love split their bar, it doesn't actually made it good. For the interview part, it's rude to cut people off but I get why Heedo stopped him (he even said sorry which I liked). Hyunjae shouldn't put everyone in the same shoe without knowing what they are really feeling, Heedo stopped him because he could have bring the mood and even the confidence down By the way, Heedo was in THE UNIT (idk for the other survival). . Kim ByeongJoo aka BJOO from the same Team (24:00) was also in it, they were in the same team when they covered BOOM BOOM by SEVENTEEN. VOCAL INTERIM : It's normal for them to not get it the first time. Honestly, this song is hard (BTOB songs aren't easy) and also the harmonies here are tricky. We also have to add te fact that harmonizing with groups you never worked with before is hard. DANCE INTERIM : This is the part where I got a little pissed off. I don't like the commentary especially coming from Jay Park and him laughing. There is a thing called : Learning curve You have people who have fast learning curve (and they are gifted, it's help a lot in life) and others who have slow learning curve. However, in any case it's tell you if you are a good or a bad dancer. You have some of the best dancer that have slow learning curve, it doesn't mean anything, they just need time. So yeah, didn't like him pointing out Jongup (who was already pressured) and Hangyul for that. Them being good dancers doesn't mean they learned fast. Also, there was no way, they would pull it off perfectly with only one day. They are a lot of move to learn, they have a big group so synchronisation doesn't come like this. --------------------- → One thing I love : It's the fact they tell the viewers when the interim is done. It's a thing I dislike about MNET. They don't give any informations about the time their trainees have to learn and so they love to paint them badly. → I agree with your comment about the editing. I love the fact when they talk, it's clean (I don't see cut in the discussion like MNET do sometime for example with the KRYSTIAN vs KADEM) There isn't a dramatic music to make it seem like it's the end of the world. It's just a peacefull talk even when Heedo and Hyunjae are arguing, it's fine and you understand it's not that bad, it's thing that can happen while working with a group. I love also the fact they don't replay some part of the performance X10 like MNET do to make everything dramatic. I enjoy watching PEAK TIME and it doesn't give me headache like BP I didn't watch your BOYS PLANET reaction for now but I watched the survival on my own and honestly if my picks were out, I think I would have stopped watching. The K VS G storyline bother me in many level especially with the fact they don't even mix them for the performance (when we know well Knetz favorise the Korean trainees). G-GROUP is so disadvantaged that it bother me so much and MNET love to give them the bad editing, like for the audition, cutting their audition and putting only the bad part when if you watch the whole thing it isn't that bad.

Jean-Felix Piche

I completely agree on the editing. It feels like Mnet are just getting more and more flagrant in their manipulative editing tactics every show and JTBC/Peak Time seems to have a mostly neutral observer type of editing, leaving it up to the audience to make up their minds about who to support. It feels extremely refreshing.

Amber Domi

Imagine how mnet would have edited the hyunjae/heedo argument 💀


Finally got to watch this! I had a busy weekend and I also forgot my year sub ended, but I'm back again for more Johan!! I saw an article that said Peak Time was getting more buzz than Boys Planet I was like DUH! Of Course It Is!! LOL JTBC is showing how it's supposed to be done! As for this episode, I guess I don't mind the harsher criticism the trainers are giving them because it's going to give the guys the drive to get it together. This early critique I think gives them direction in what they really need to work on. And doesn't it always seem like the worst ones, the ones that are given the harshest critique are the ones that end up blowing the judges away?!


I thought the gg covers were such a pass on the whole point of the challenge. They should have brought some feminine energy... if they had twisted the bad boy challenge to fit what they were comfortable with (as an example) I think the judges would have called them out for it.


DKB have done gg covers before so I know they can definitely bring feminine, I think they just wanted to use this opportunity to showcase what they’re most confident in

Jenn BL

New Patreon and subscribed to watch PEAKTIME-you are so funny! Love watching this with you (even though I am very late to it!)