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PRODUCE 48 - EP 1 💫

Vidyard video


Daniel Cardoso

That was fun to watch, tho it's not has exciting has GP999 since we already know who joins IZONE xD Lots of cool moments tho and KIM DAYEON, I knew she was in this but I was still surprised to see her, she looks so young here Also i never really thought about it since I don't really listen to jpop, but yeah the jpop groups don't usually have many great singers and dancers compared to Korean standards.

Daniel Cardoso

One of the Judges was Kahi she was the leader and founder of After School and left before Gaeun joined the group. I assumed they brought her for this episode has a judge specifically hoping some drama or something would happen lol

Gabriel 'Shadowhawk'

Still watching your reaction but since I saw you tagging all the artist, just fyi that Minji and Jinny of Secret Number were on PD48 as well. Edit: Oh yea, I forgot there's Alexa too. Also many of the girls actually changed labels along the way so whoever you thought is of some company, wasn't the case back then haha. **isthatjuri** yes that is juri lol


Gaeun was supposed to be in the final ranking as you pointed out, she was actually 5th which is kinda sad since it was her last chance.


Oh gosh… I haven’t seen this for a loooong time. I literally hated the awkward silence every time the Japanese girls performed, felt like crying. However, to be fair, I believe it’s necessary for them to get familiar with the whole training system in Korea if they want to be K-pop singers. The first few episodes were just hard to watch and I still hope it was a great opportunity for all of them in general 🥺 I feel like Starship girls receiving Bs is where the beef started. I know Soyou didn’t want to be seen biased but we all believe they deserved straight As. TMI: One of the judges (Choi Young Joon) made the choreography for REVEAL so that whole grinding performance was his idea, sending special thanks to him😂❤️ I feel like I give you too many TMIs.. hope you’re enjoying them though…!


I have been wanting to watch this show for a long time but never got around to it. Happy to finally start it, sometimes getting started is the most difficult step. I think it is cool to see the trainees interact and become friends and then knowing they will meet again in the future when they debut in their own groups.


I LOVE THE TMIS!! omg I LOOOOVE the choreography for REVEAL, thank you for letting me know!!

Amber Domi

gfdhvfbh it's red bean paste like in the pastries you mentioned, not like actual beans. Bingsu is super super good, god tier dessert! It's traditionally eaten with red bean paste but there are fruit and chocolate versions of bingsu too and it always has condensed milk, so yum! Lee Hongki is the lead vocal of FTIsland! He's so freaking nice too The way the good Japanese trainees were edited out of the episode vhfdvfd justice for Hitomi's audition