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You know damn well I have to mention how YUNDEOK did his line "I want to be your oppa" to show off his charms before the performance LIKE YOU JUST KNOW it was because of how much he practiced that line (since it was one of his TWO lines basically lol) and I love that. I don't love the blonde hair but that's fine. I hope he makes it into the group because of how amusing I find him and we need him in the group I'M SO SERIOUS!!!

Not a fan of either of these songs BUT THAT'S JUST ME I still think both groups did amazing and they're so impressive and talented. Excited for the next two performances~




Mats Lind

Thanks for another entertaining reaction! At this point I have like 10 favourites, lol, so many of them are so talented. You CAN vote for the next few days, so you better catch episode 9 asap. I actually voted for the first time right now, but I don’t wanna spoil anything for you, so I will paraphrase the famous Super Junior line and “close my lips, shut my tongue.” ^_^ Anyway, for this episode, I can’t believe how much I loved the Stray Kids performance! I like SKZ, but Thunderous is my least favorite title track by them, I just don’t like it at all. And yet, the boys did so good, and when Min Jae did the high notes near the end, I had to pause for a while because I instantly got massive goosebumps and tears in my eyes! That happens to me maybe once every three years or something, I just don’t normally react that way, so that was special. Aside from Min Jae, Yu Seop surprised me with his great vocals this time, he fit the song perfectly, and Lin’s opening rap was awesome. The Boy In Luv performance was good, better than the Danger performances in Boysplanet, but covering BTS is tricky, and it was a few notches below the original, while the Thunderous performance at least in some aspects rivaled the original, even improving it with that Min Jae adlib.

Mats Lind

Also, I seem to get the age of some participants wrong by a lot in these shows. I just found out Bing Fan is only 16, wtf, I was so certain he was 20+! I was a pimple-ridden dork at that age, while he looks like a super model, I don’t know what to say. :/


i had THE SAME realization this episode, i was so sure he was over 20 as well 😭