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I'm not a fan of the calls made out of fear of not getting a call back from the person they ACTUALLY want to call! I want them to SHOOT FOR THE STARS and call the one they REALLY want to instead of not. Like they're supposed to pursue everyone they have an interest in! It feels like they pick somebody based on if they may call them back or not, which I understand, BUT DON'T LIKE!

MYEONGKYUN's himbo vibes are growing stronger each day and it's so funny, frustrating and kinda attractive all at the same time lmao

YOUNGJOON and him sure got passion between them but idk if it's a good thing but it's really entertaining. I want him and MYEONGKYUN to go on a date and see what that would be like 👀 I don't really want them to end up together but a lot of people seem to want that so I feel like I need to see them on a date to properly judge lol but if they realize that they do have feelings for each other then that would be so funny after all this mess

I kind of like the fact that SEONGMIN went back to HWI at the end. I can understand if he was inititally turned off because he kind of viewed HWI as one of his students (if that was the case) but it's good that he pursued his interest in JAESEUNG and realized he liked HWI more. LIKE THIS IS A DATING SHOW, THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO DO

SEONGJIN pls I need you to pursue JAESEUNG again, idk if JAESEUNG would be into it but he did debone that fish and maybe you can be next I HATE SEEING YOU ALONE ok enough

WAIT just one more thing; JAESEUNG going from getting 3 calls to now getting 0 is CRAZY, I can't imagine how he feels. I wish SEONGJIN would have called him like pleaseeeeeeee. There's something about JAESEUNG that I really like. Also want him to go on a date with HANMIN since they followed each other on instagram since before and we all know what that means. THEY'RE HORNY FOR EACH OTHERRRR

I gotta stop writing ESSAYS about this so I'm going now, let me know your thoughts~





About the new room arrangement, I think I can understand Seongmin’s perspective by making Hwi & Jaeseung to be in the single rooms because probably he didn’t want them to get closer to other guys(?) BUT HERE’S THE THING. He should’ve put Jaeseung in the 3rd floor’s single room and put Hwi in the 2nd floor’s single room since Seongmin will be staying on the 1st floor, so the distance between the two of them would be closer (because Seongmin’s current interest is leading towards Hwi). By making Hwi stays in the opposite floor from Seongmin, it will create misunderstandings from Hwi since Hwi is a over-thinker baby and I’m sure he will be aware that Seongmin is the one who arranged the rooms. And Hwi might think that Seongmin’s giving special treatment to Jaeseung bcs obviously Jaeseung will stay closer and doesn’t have to move. But i know it’s a hard decision to make bcs he needed to do it asap.


@16:34 Myeongkyun said “I thought it’d be nice to go on a date with others (people besides Youngjoon) too,” meaning the date with Minseon went better than he expected, so it made him want to go on more dates with others as well & not only stick to Youngjoon. JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR. I get that some of them are worried about hurting someone but tbh, I'm kind of getting tired of these 'sympathy' phone calls. FOLLOW YOUR HEARTS MY MENS. I hate to bring this up but….. I miss Junseong LOL. I TOTALLY understand the production team wanted to differentiate this season with the previous one by adding “special calls” & “secret dates” etc. but idk it’s getting a bit messy…


that's a very important difference, thank you for letting me know!! i really appreciate it. YES junseong followed his heart EVERYTIME and I wish they would all do that. I wish the producers would promote that more instead of the new, weird dramatic changes, idk


poor seongmin was so stressed and FORCED to make this stupid decision. like now it's just a punishment instead, why shouldnt he get to stay with his current roommate if he wants to?? yeah he probably feels guilty to jaeseung because he didn't called him after their date. you're so right that hwi is going to be overthinking this 😭