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Wow, this episode really took a turn. After rewatching my reaction and seeing the scene from beginning to end again I have some thoughts;

I feel like I treated TAEI somewhat unfairly because him calling her "pig" is something he responds with AFTER YIHYUN hits him, which seemed to actually bother him more than I first noticed. I still don't think calling her a pig is a good way to communicate but that he instead should have brought up how what she did was not okay? Or that somebody else should have said something. The way he kept taunting and teasing her was really annoying though, really what kind of reaction did he expect? He kept doing it after JIYEON sat down between them as well, kudos to her for actually seperating them. But the situation had already started getting out of hand at this point and everyone seemed pretty drunk but it all happened so seemingly out of nowhere?

I also think it's important to note that just because she's a woman hitting a man doesn't make it any less unacceptable because if the roles were reversed it would probably have been a different situation. It's unclear how hard she hits him but it's enough to make him scream at one point which is concerning? I'm not proud of myself for saying "GOOD" lol but I got so angry when he called her a pig, I honestly don't know how to feel about the whole situation and I haven't looked up what people are saying about it either, because I don't want any spoilers but I felt like I needed to write a little something about it. Because I didn't like the way I reacted as I watched it back but I'm still confused about the whole thing. They're both at fault for acting irresponsibly imo

I wonder if the others or production told YIHYUN to go to bed or go outside to cool off? I wonder if this situation is how she "broke the rules" and got kicked off? It feels weird how everyone who was awake had food together except for her? I really don't know at this point but I do know that I didn't like how all happened and as I watched it again it looks to me like she's more in the fault than I noticed during my reaction. They don't seem good at communicating with each other so they must be exes 🌝

This is not an excuse but as I recorded this and as I'm writing this there's literally a full moon lunar eclipse happening and it's got my emotions all over the place so please understand 🌚 Let me know what you guys think and please no spoilers!




BaoziBang (Tali)

I didn't like her at all after this. The word he uses isn't great but not as bad as the word pig sounds in English? The translation is correct but the connetation is different in Korean. If you look back since ep 1 you realize afterwards that she was pretty aggressive the whole time but like lowkey? I have to be honest I didn't notice because she's female and was disappointed in myself when rewatching it because it's like i ignored how she treated and talked to him simply because he's a guy. Made me reflect a lot. Sry this got a bit deep there 😅


haven't seen your reaction yet but yh that situation as a whole was very off-putting and left a weird taste in my mouth, but I do think that the editing made it seem a lot worse than it actually was tbh. also I feel like they were both teasing and were having fun with it at the start and it was lighthearted but the energy changed somewhere in the middle and things took a really weird turn. but honestly I don't think tae-i was at fault, I feel like he was genuinely just teasing but didn't realise that yihyun wasn't taking it as a joke like he meant it, or maybe she was and the editing made it seem like she wasn't? and he continuted without realising that a she wasn't having fun like he was? idk, tae-i teasing like that is how he shows affection and he continues to do so throughout the rest of the show, although a situation like the doesn't really happen again with him. i also think it's important to remember that they are all very drunk during this moment lmao. ANYWAYS the show only gets better from here on so I'm excited for the next episodes! :)