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hi! opening the suggestion box for october's doodle pack now~ october's main skeleton rewards are on a short delay because of IRL stuff getting in the way (family member health issues, etc.) but it's coming along nicely, so keep an eye out!

i focused on spooks for october because it's spooky month, but it would be so rude of me to ignore the other thing we know october for: ORCS! i'm throwing in a quick little poll and the top two picks will get added to the doodle pack! 💚

and as always i wanna hear your ideas, whether it be other orcs you may know about (video game orcs seem like slim pickings 😥) or more spooky hunky creatures for Halloween - or anything at all, really 😊 comment down below and remember to leave a vote!



I have two suggestions for the poll! One is an orc guy named Orgus, he’s a hunk illustrated by Bombom, the same artist who’s known for somw art in Housamo As for the other suggestion, i was thinking of is Chuck from Pokemon silver/Gold, though he isn’t an orc I thought he’s be a good candidate for the musclegut category of hunks for a potential pack!


I may not have orcs but in theme with spooky month: Dusknoir! Musclegut would be hot, although fat ass mf would also be hot


What about beetle somehow turns/grows foras into some sorta hyper muscle god?


Muscle gut pumpkin monster with a belly maw