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Howdy again y'all! 🤠

The poll I put up was fairly decisive (97% for take your time as of my writing this, wow!) so I'll try not to rush things. Fortunately, even without rushing things, I continue to make excellent progress!

The game is roughly half done, possibly even more than that. Most of the girls have had their sex scenes implemented, and the content of the main map is basically complete.
That means I'm now working on the back half of the game. As mentioned, BreedTown 3 is going to be structurally different from the other entries, and I have some mechanics I'd like to try playing around with here. What does that mean you ask?
All in good time 😏...

I expect the upcoming holiday season will slow progress down somewhat. But at the same time, my current busy school semester is coming to an end, so it's more like a tradeoff, and likely won't make a huge difference 🤷

That's about it for now! See you next update, and thanks for supporting me as always! ^^




I have an iq of an oyster so I am entirely unable to predict what this could remotely be.

Jared Wagner

extremely excited to see how big the gals get in this one. Beeg is good. Beeg is great.