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Howdy all! How's spooky month treating you?

Made a lot of progress over the last couple weeks! Because of that progress, however, it's beginning to look like an early 2024 release is most likely. I'll try to finish in 2023, but I felt like it was necessary to inform y'all.
Filesize continues to not be as big of a problem as I was concerned it may, though it will still be bigger than the previous games. Publishing on Itch will indeed be possible it seems!

No matter what, I'm hoping to keep up the current pace! In November, I'm planning on doing a poll on whether people want me to focus on finishing the game quicker, or add more extra content. Go ahead and think about what you will vote on!

That's all for now! See you next update, and thanks for supporting me as always! ^^




well i guess it'd depend on how many scenes would be in each version and how quick "quicker" is.


im not gonna lie i would love alot of extra content mabey include a few monster or cosplay esqe girls to the mix as easter eggs or side content since it is halloween lol


100% more content


100% more content, though might be a middle way with another demo ;)


There's PROBABLY not gonna be another demo, since the game's gonna be pretty tight by the time it's done.


100% more content fr


Hope not, I prefer human women NGL, if I wanted monster girls I’d play games dedicated to them SMH SMH


I'm not talking like full on monster girls I meant like mabey a elf or a vampire some thing that would actually make sense and as for playing games dedicated to them they are few and far between and most of them are garbage and not worth the time of day. Don't know why your shaking your head either it was an opinion or a suggestion for a Halloween Easter egg if you don't like it move along.


Erm, no need to get annoyed I was sharing my opinion just as you were and that’s what I assumed you were referring to anyway. The reason I specifically find the human women more attractive in this scenario is because of the consequences of the actions that wouldn’t be to the same extent in this case. Also I used SMH SMH to show it wasn’t that big of a deal fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr FRRRRRRR!!!!!!