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It's finally here! This was meant to be ready several weeks ago, but as previously mentioned, IRL shenanigans set me back. But those are over and done with now, so I'm back in business with the first chunk of BreedTown 3 for you to take a peek at!

Some notes about this demo...

Sex scenes are now animated! Woo! There's only one in this demo however.
In addition, the overall tradeoff is that the cast in the final game will be MUCH smaller than the previous BreedTown games. This is because animated sex scenes are both much more time consuming to create, as well as having a way bigger filesize! BUT I'm hoping to make each of those encounters be high-quality pornographic content! The goal here is quality over quantity!

This demo is about an hour long, and only has one sex scene. If you're worried that the final game is going to have too much writing and isn't going to be "porny" enough: don't be. BreedTown 3 IS a porn game, and the writing is meant to compliment that fact. Right where the demo ends is where the game is going to open up a lot and you'll have loads of freedom to explore around the Yuland office and find girls to breed. This is merely a crumb of what I hope to be a grand feast!

In case it isn't obvious from this demo, I'm going for something pretty different this time around in terms of the format and "style" compared to my other games. This is because *drumroll* I like to always be trying to make things that are different from other things I've made! But I do hope y'all like my latest attempt at breaking the mold of breeding hentai.

Since the success of the very first BreedTown, I had a plan for a quadrilogy. Think of the previous two games as "setup", and the next two games as the "plot". Getting to this entry of my EPIC PORNOGRAPHIC SAGA is very exciting, and I sincerely hope that when the whole thing is done, you all enjoy and can get off to it XD

Anyways, that's all for now! Play the demo now if you want, otherwise, I'm still hoping to finish the game before the end of the year.
Be sure to give me plenty of feedback! What do you think? What are some things you like? What can be improved upon? I sincerely wanna know!

And finally, thank you all for supporting me as always! ^^




If it ain’t end with the investigator Nero being knocked up by Brandon I’ll be pissed frrrrrr, finna make me BUST at the thought DAHM that be hot.