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BreedTown 1 and 2 have both received major updates recently, and I thought I oughta let ya'll know!

BT1 now allows you to replay sex scenes from the hotel room bed. I also updated the character portraits to be more stylistically similar to the sequel. On the technical side, the filesize has been shrunk.

BT2 has received a complete text overhaul, all of the game's type is now much bigger than it was before. For some people that might not seem like a big deal, but it was by FAR the most requested fix. It was a lot of work, and more or less required me to retype and reformat the entirety of the game's writing.
So if you had trouble reading BreedTown 2's text before, go play it now!

Both games are still free to download!
BreedTown 1: https://thatcombatwombat.itch.io/breedtown
BreedTown 2: https://thatcombatwombat.itch.io/breedtown-2

I'm also taking another look into porting my games to Mac and Android. The difficulty is that I don't have a gaming Mac or Android, which makes developing and testing these ports difficult. If anybody reading this has either of those, and would be willing to help me test a port, DM me! I'd seriously appreciate it!

Next up is the Lucy Heartfilia video!




Are old saves compatible with the newer versions of Breedtown 1+2? Or do you have to start from scratch with them? Also, the itch.io links gives me a link that says "This page cannot be viewed from links other than pixiv" when put in Google Translate. Either way, thanks for your hard work!


Fixed the links, dunno why they were doing that. I don't believe the old saves are going to be compatible, you're probably going to have to start over, sorry.


are there ways to complete BT 1 100% didnt get it no mater how i try.