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Apologies for the lack of updates and content lately!
You can read more about what's been going more here if you're interested: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101119611

As mentioned in the post, I'm beginning to get into animating with Koikatsu. The goal is for BreedTown 3 to be partially animated, so I'm looking to do some smaller projects first so I can get the hang of this new medium!

Who should be the test subject here? You can only vote once!

And as an aside, since I'm treading new ground here, I don't know exactly how long things will take, or what the finished result will look like. It's an experiment! Of course, I'll try and keep you all updated if necessary, and let you know wherever this gets posted (since Pixiv won't work for a longer animation like what I'm going for here).

The poll options are based on characters that I have good models of, who would be relatively simple to animate, and I have... personal desire to do something with 😈
It could've been longer, but let's keep it concise. And anyone who doesn't get chosen may get attention in the future, so don't sweat it too much.

POLL CLOSED: Poll's done, thanks to everyone who voted! Tharja wins today!
In the past week I've been working on a thing as well, which should be ready for release within the next couple days. I'll get started on Tharja as soon as that's finished, so please look forward!

And, what did you think of the poll format? I'd like to do this again in the future to give ya'll some say in what I work on!


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