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Another update! I'm going to try and make this the last one before release (yay!)

My college semester has started, which is adding to my workload. Unfortunately, that might delay completing the game by a bit. But FORTUNATELY, BreedTown 2 is close enough to completion that getting it out by early-mid July is still doable! So expect it sometime within the next few weeks!

With the first game, I had made this post showing off the roster: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92465339
I think I'll do a similar Pixiv post in the near future showing off the full roster for BreedTown 2. But I'll try and post that when the release is imminent!

I may edit this post too as a sort of mini update later. But once again, this SHOULD be the last update post, despite my IRL business.

Get hype!!! And thanks as always for supporting me!



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