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Hey all, I'm not dead! Just figured I'd give a lil' status update since this video is taking longer than initially expected.

The main reason for this is because of a very busy end of semester, as well as some family stuff that came up. While I have a couple more weeks in my semester, finals are finally winding down, so I'm picking the pace up again.

The video is currently about 4 minutes long, though I'd like to add a couple more minutes before the animations are done and I move onto audio. This IS going to be my longest video yet, which I hadn't planned on doing at first, but I suppose I'm just having too much fun with it 😅

Anyways, I'll keep y'all updated with the progress as it approaches completion. Please look forward 😏


Animations are finally done for the video, starting on the audio now 🔉

Runtime is 6 minutes and 39 seconds, and the file is currently 2.15 GB




So video is close? I'm so hyped, I can hardly wait for it.