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Guuuuuuys, important poll!!

The situation: I found one cute lingerie outfit for one of my future projects (it will be announced in April I guess), I can't show you the picture cause THIS IS A SURPRISE and I don't want to spoil my future projects BUT

 I need to choose the character that I'll cosplay in that outfit. It fits best to 2 characters: Seraphine and D.Va in my opinion. But I don't know which one will be more interesting for you as my new one project. Soooo u need to help me to choose :D

Pleeeease x)


На русском для русских булок вкратце х)

Нашла классный бельевой комплект для одного из моих будущих проектов, НО не решила, какого конкретно персонажа в нём отснять ахаха
Лучше всего этот комплект подошёл бы Серафине или Диве, поэтому ваша задача - ВЫБРАТЬ ПЕРСА х)
Проспойлерить сам комплект не могу, ЕТОСЮРПРИЗ, так что просто выбираем перса ахахах

Оч нужна ваша помощь, братцы и братессы х)



That’s a hard decision. Do you still plan to cosplay D.Va her original outfit after the complications, you mentioned in the stream?


I'm going to do the original D.Va outfit, but I have some troubles with the costume, It's bigget than me in some sizes I guess, so we need to fix this ahaha


As a D.Va main, this is an easy choice for me!

Robbie Wu

Which colors is the lingerie ?


Seraphim is just adorable so I had to give her my vote


I prefer and would be more excited for D.Va but Seraphine is the more prominent character atm and would benefit your growth more when teasing imagery on social media.


You will fit the dva so perfectly!!!