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Hey, guys. I'm sorry the new gallery is late. My plan was to post it on Tuesday night, but I started feeling very ill and had to go to bed. I spent all day yesterday in bed ( with my baby, who has the flu) and my wife took me to the hospital this morning. We had to make sure it wasn't Dengue fever (one of the wonders of living in a tropical country). It turn out I have the early stages of pneumonia. So, I would like to ask you guys: do you want me to release the part of the gallery that is ready or would you rather wait a little for the whole thing? Hate to do this to you guys, but my body is running the operation right now...



Your health should take first priority. Personally, I’m fine with waiting as long as you are okay medically speaking. Just be well and take it easy.


Get better. Your health is priority. Don't worry about your fans.


No harm waiting I feel. Hope you and your child rest well and have a speedy recovery.


Take your time and get better. I think the majority of the fans support your health more than the artwork.


Same for me. Take your time


Take your time and get better man. I can wait.


Take all the time you need. Feel better


What they said.


Take the time,dude.


Dont worry man... take your time.


Take your time and get well