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Hey, guys! Here's a peek at how the Omega Red/Polaris set is shaping up. Coming soon, I promise.

Some of you may have noticed that there's always somewhat of a drop in the number of patrons from the end of a month to the beginning of another. That's due to FRAUDS and PLEDGE-DODGERS. Yes, folks, there are a bunch of people who pledge, get all the content for free and then delete their pledges. Others may give fake credit card info... I don't even know how that works. The point is, Patreon doesn't seem to care enough to solve this problem. There is an option to bill patrons upfront, but it's in beta and not available to everyone. 

So, in an effort to reduce that occurence, and reward you guys, who are wonderful paying patrons, I am considering not posting the sets over here anymore. Instead, I will email it to each one of you. 

Let me know what you guys think about it. I will not make the change unless you  say so. 




I say its sounds fair enough until patreon gets their fix together, i imagine it must be annoying, assuming all sets are in full hd, then i have no issue with mail :)


Yeah, sounds fair to me.


Yes, everything is going to look exactly like it does now, but it will be sent via e-mail.


Yeah, that makes sense. I'm pretty used to being billed up front when I pledge.


I do see the advantage of sending it sets through email as a way to keep pledge dodgers or frauds from getting all the content and not paying for it. However I do feel that there is a flaw to that idea. Are you just going to send sets to the people you know will always pay their pledges? Because look at it this way, what happens when one of these people comes in to do get all the stuff for free but can't get any new stuff because only those who actually paid gets them. Couldn't said person report you to Patreon for denying them services? I just want to put this out here because while the others have agreed to this plan, I try to see the possible bad sides to any plan. I wish this pay upfront thing will be implemented soon, so we won't have to worry about this but I'll accept whatever plan you do Leandro.


While i'm not opposed to an email system issues I would like to point out is that the emailed content may be automatically deleted or hidden by spam filters. A heads up would be good. However would this mean a synchronization with sending out of old and new artworks in a new charge period? I am already charged upfront for other creators and I definitely do not mind be charged upfront for your content if you can enable it. It would be the most hassle free method and keep the structure the same. Regarding the fraud issues it's usually people using the contest/chargeback options with their credit cards to avoid paying. Only way is just to block them to erase them from your pledge count and stop them for repledging. Also if they're using paypal you can try to contest those chargebacks.


Sounds good for me too. But one question: Does patreon have a solution in course? There are many people using the plataform. I think this problem must be more visible by now. If not, go for the e-mail. A link should to a download area should be great. Here you should keep the WIP post and a notification about new sets. I think thats good to keep the community flowing.


Your charged up front? I know that I pay at the first of every month but when I first started here, I started at the middle of the month and wasn't charged until the first of the month. If this upfront charge thing is implemented, most of us who were here will likely still be charge like that, it's just any person who tries to pledge in the middle of the month will be charged with what ever tier they selected.


Yes, I will keep posting WIPs and other stuff over here. I just don't think it's fair for people to be making away with the content and not getting billed. I think the problem is quite visible, but apparently Patreon just doesn't care. They say they are working on a "charge upfront" option, but it's kind of random as to who has it available and who doesn't. I've actually seen creators complaining that they loose upwards of 100 patrons when billing comes around.


I have thought of that. I think I'll have to email them (to see if their e-mail is even real!) and try to gauge their seriousness. It's gonna be tough, and I haven't worked the whole thing out, but I'll try to figure it out soon. There haven't been any new patrons in a little while, so it's not a problem right now.


I think that is a reasonable idea to help from people stealing.


I am ok with that