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Covering chapter 23-26, bonus not included in episode of most of chapter 27; Chapter 23: 1) The scene that I pointed out during the episode 5 watch on chapter 15. Because Rembrant and Moris are clearly visible compared to how in the manga, were we could only see the shaman, who had noticeable slashes on his body, and a clearly cut off right hand, with Rembrant and Moris talking vaguely about failing to deal with shaman in the past. This results in the it only showing us how Rembrant and Moris aren't the cleanest pair when it comes to the world of merchants, that the manga let us piece together for ourselves, before Tomoe reveals to the viewers through looking through their memories. 2) Before Hazal goes with Makoto to Rembrant's estate, we have a quick flashback of Hazal and the rest of the party discussing about the situation with Rembrant, and Hazal was the one that stated that they should stay out of it, than jumping to the day of, where he is speaking his worry to Makoto as they wait to be picked up by Moris. 3) After the first Ambrosia potion is made and Moris takes it to Rembrant so they can give it to the wife, Makoto speaks to Hazal in Ancient, that Hazal is fluent in, to help the Alchemist Meister (which is pretty much a fancy title for a chemist) calm down from all his anxiety, the workshop attendants are looking baffled thinking their some more magic for the processing work. Hazal gets so comfortable, to the point that when Makoto tells him that the curse was cast out of hatred, Hazal vocalizes in Ancient that he was having "rude thoughts" about making Rembrant's family owe him for making the Ambrosia. 3) Before Hazal made the two new Ambrosia potions, Makoto a disturbance going on up stairs, he doesn't use and Observation Kai/Realm for the sake of giving them their privacy. 4) When Hazal and Makoto fallow Moris up to find out about the situation, they first notice the smell of the Ambrosia that wound up smashed, and see Rembrant being attended to by a healer with his arm having a serious slash mark left by his wife, and a cloth tightly rapped farther up his arm to stave the blood flow during treatment. 5) When Rembrant and Moris are describing the set of events when Rembrant tried giving his wife the Ambrosia, the manga showed the scene happen instead of telling us about it. Chapter 18: 1) The chapter starts out by having Rembrant explain how his wife progressed as he stated in the episode, but each set of conditions was shadowed by a panel of the scene to match, though there was another statement of how she had gotten so weak that she could at best groan. 2) We have more to the scene of carnage when Rembrant had attempted to give his wife the Ambrosia, with the room looking like a sawblade was let loose in it, and a trio of heavily wounded guards. 3) Makoto has more of an inner monologue about his distain for the situation, while he finds the puddle of spilled Ambrosia to soak a cloth in as bait. 4) Moris describes how he saw Makoto's abilities for himself, but cliff notes that his movements were lacking efficiency, before dodging the Rembrant's question of what happened for him to see Makoto's abilities in action. 5) The affliction was shown to have caused a lot of to bulging to the veins, especially across the head, and the nails to become hooked. 6) When brought up, Rembrant states how his youngest's condition is the worst, and Moris hands Makoto the key her room, while informing Makoto that she may have the worst condition, she is in better shape than the wife, Lisa. 7) A mild joke is made about if Makoto possibly winding up touching Rembrant's daughter's chest or butt, and asking him not get upset, where he replies about them having a talk some other time. 8) Makoto gives Hazal a dirty look while thinking about getting back at Hazal even more for nearly losing another bottle of Ambrosia. 9) After the last daughter is cured, fires a thought of annoyance about Rembrant giving thanks to the Goddess, before he is called Makoto Kuzunoha by Rembrant, figuring that it was because Hazal kept calling Makoto Kuzunoha. He thinks of correcting Rembrant that his family name Misumi, but decides it is better to not to, so that he has a slightly easier time hiding his identity from the Goddess, as she only knows his last name. 10) Hazal, Rembrant, and Moris all states how Makoto is more suited for being an adventurer with his abilities. 11) Hazal winds up blurting out about Tomoe and Mio's levels in front of Rembrant and Moris, adding to the vendetta Makoto has been accruing with Hazal over the course of events. Makoto asks Rembrant and Moris to keep Tomoe and Mio's levels a secret, giving Hazal the evil eye to also keep his mouth shut about such things, with Rembrant obliging by asking Moris to help keep the information under raps. 12) Makoto attempts to drag Hazal off under the excuse of dinner, while prodding him in Ancient about him nearly losing the Ambrosia twice and the reveal of levels without consent. Hazal though stays under the need to discuss the rewards and refinement of the Ambrosia recipe, where Makoto promptly abandons Hazal. 13) Outside the Rembrant estate, Makoto has an inner monologue over the curse, and regrets the death of the shaman, as he wanted give him a slug for the nasty curse. Chapter 25: 1) We start the with the two adventurers spotting our trio from the brush. Lime telling the mage to focus the spell on Makoto and Tomoe, and making the assumption that they can convince Mio to betray Makoto and Tomoe 2) Tomoe is the one that expose Lime's back up to him. 3) There was a moment of a telepathic communication (nothing stated through it before the manga dropped telepathic text bubbles) at the start to show how much of an act it was from the start. 4) In the manga Tomoe kicks the muscular, bikini-armored adventurer in the head, with extra panel with the adventurer's head retched to the side with blank eyes. And when Tomoe grabs the falling sword, Makoto notes about she only wanted a weapon, and that she should have at least asked him if he was alright (considering how Makoto is, Tomoe not asking about his condition was understandable), while noting that the sword resembles the Kogarasu Maru. 5) When Makoto goes to palm strike the mage, Tomoe yells out "One Punch!" as a wide panel long text scroll explains that the "One Punch" is a non-killer move that puts the target through excruciating pain without killing the target, as well as the how and why. Makoto notes how he felt a weird exposition immediately after the mage was left incapacitated. 6) In the manga, Tomoe disarms Lime by Karate Chopping Lime's blade off close to the hilt. The view of the orphanage was obscured from readers. 7) A panel before Lime starts explaining, Makoto asks Tomoe through telepathy to check Lime's memories to guaranty that he isn't lying about his story, with the transition being through Tomoe's mist. 8) Before departing from Lime to so he can attend to the injured adventurers, Makoto offers to give Lime a new sword to replace the one Tome snapped. 9) As the trio is about to leave the adventurers, Makoto tells Tomoe not to pickpocket the unconscious adventurers, fallowed by Lime begs Makoto for help at the end of the chapter. Chapter 26: 1) Rembrant reiterates to Lime when he is prostrating for forgiveness, that Rembramt is simply going to restrict Lime's work as an adventurer. 2) Afterwards, Lime gave thanks to Makoto for helping him convince Rembrant to except his apology. 3) Makoto returns to the inn where Tomoe and Mio are waiting. Tomoe informs Makoto that the Elder Dwarves, shortened to Eldwars a couple chapters back, had finished Limes replacement sword. Makoto tells Tomoe to deliver the sword to the Adventurer's Guild so they can pass it on to Lime. 4) Upon arriving at the Guild, Tomoe over hears Lime telling the Guild staff that he is quitting being an adventurer as he hands over his license. The staff are troubled, concerned about the quest completion rate dropping with Lime's departure, that had just managed to reach the status quo with Toa's party, though they have some feeling of relief when the knowledge of Tomoe and Mio comes to them through Rembrant via a gag order. 5) Lime laments about the orphans not being able to have a proper education and jobs, and wishes the Rembrant Company would give some letters of introduction (manga translator's words, not mine) to work at other locations. Tomoe retorts that Lime could have taken them under his wing, as supporting and educating them would require a large sum of money. Lime attempts to undersell his worth as an adventurer, before Tomoe cuts him off to expose his crush on the Orphanage worker. 6) When Lime states how all his connections could tell him more about Makoto, outside of the fact that he came from the Wasteland, with Tomoe noting it as obvious and thinking how Makoto is actually rather simple to understand, as she hands him his replacement sword. 7) Tomoe is impressed that Lime can understand the worth of the Katana, despite it clearly being the first time he has ever seen it. Lime even states how his broken can't compare to the Katana he was given. 8) Tomoe tells Lime to keep the Katana, even if only as a decoration, as she says how Makoto would get upset with her if she went back still having the Katana. Lime attempts to joke about her coming out on top in a fight before Tomoe corrects Lime that even if she and Mio were to team up, they couldn't beat Makoto, and she would be left running for her life. Lime is left wondering why Makoto is wasting his talents to start a Merchant Company instead of a Mercenary Company with how powerful the three of them are individually, with Tomoe only stating how she is simply fallowing Makoto's wish, with her teasing Lime about his desire to protect the Orphanage. 9) When Tomoe tells Lime how Makoto also cares about those close to him, Lime for a moment starts thinking that Makoto is normal, before denying the possibility with his understanding that neither of the two ladies are capable of rivaling him. Lime begins getting concerned when the revelations of Makoto's power and character starts to fry his common sense. 10) After Tomoe convinces Lime to fallow her, she drops the bag of gold coins and states how there are around 170 of them in the bag, and apologizes for giving it to him like it is a paltry amount give, before warning him that fallowing them would lead him to question everything he has ever thought was true, he chuckles in understanding what she is telling him. 11) Tomoe tells Lime how she will be training him to be presentable to Makoto, without bringing her shame, telling him not to die partway through, which confuses Lime. 12) Tomoe arrives at the Rembrant Company building, where she notices Moris skulking behind her, where she proceeds to surprise the retired adventurer by appearing behind him, and while striking up a casual conversation and asking to see Rembrant, she makes a quick copy of Moris' memories of when he came to Tsilge, noting the shaman in the memories (though looking more proper). 13) Tomoe has Moris take her to talk with Rembrant under the guise of complaining about the attempt at spying on her as Moris trying "to play a trick" on her. Moris visibly having a pensive look after the shock of her getting the jump on him. Before Tomoe shifts to tell Rembrant that Lime quit being an adventure, which Rembrant saw coming, and informs him that she hired Lime to work for their company, all of this just take a matching copy of Rembrant's memories to compile with Moris' later. 14) After Tomoe leaves Rembrant's office, Moris apologizes to Rembrant for how she caught him unaware. Rembrant can only heartily laugh at how long it was since Moris was caught off guard. With Moris exclaiming that he could not measure Tomoe or Mio's levels, noting them as far stronger than he thought they were, with Rembrant stating that the company Makoto will create a be truly interesting, wondering what will happen to the town as a result, and asking Moris "Why don't we make our move". 15) Chapter ends with Tomoe in the Memory Archive, having completed the compiling of the memories she copied from Moris and Rembrant, stating how messed up it is. Chapter 27: 1) The chapter begins from the view of Moris, acting as Rembrants assassin, forging documents to destroy competition, while killing the competitor presidents in ways that make it look like suicide. 2) In a power move to grow his company, Rembrant had gotten close enough with a larger companies president that he offered to marry his daughter to Rembrant to bring him into the larger company. 3) In a "accidental encounter" with a wounded monster during a business trip, the large company president was killed and was being eaten by the monster, before Moris cut the monster's head so that there would be a body to confirm the death with. 4) Moris tampered with the sword that large company president kept for self-defense that was made by his daughter's lover, in order to destroy the lover's reputation under the pretense of poor maintenance of the president's equipment that resulted in help not arriving in time. 5) Rembrant attempts to console, and convince the lover to run away with the daughter to elope, knowing that he had made the lover into the fall guy, he fails to convince lover, resulting in the lover and daughter to break up, where Rembrant would be able to legally assimilate the company by marrying into it. 6) After Rembrant faked his proposal to the daughter, he disposed of the ring and bouquet in the trash, admonishing the, now, ex-lover for not eloping, which would've save Rembrant a lot of time, and how lack of willingness to protect what was dear to them oneself, as them not caring enough to begin with, not realizing the ex-lover saw him through the crack in the door. 7) The daughter and her escorts were assassinated by Moris on their business trip, now that she had fulfilled her purpose in Rembrant's scheme. After which he disposed of the evidence of his involvement, Moris starts thinking about retiring as an adventurer. 8) The ex-lover attempts to confront Rembrant about the daughter's death with the discarded ring, but with the ex-lover's reputation in the garbage, and Rembrant's reputation as high as it is, it was no problem to weave a lie that would have all the staff of the company believing Rembrant over the ex-lover. 9) The ex-lover gives Moris the slip by having a dead adventure play as his cadaver in the Wasteland. 10) It was revealed that Lisa and Rembrant were already lovers for some time, and how she was waiting for him to finalize his scheme in another town, teasing him about nearly leaving him for another man that had been courting her for some time. 11) As Tomoe is skimming through the rest of Rembrant and Moris' memories, she sees the ex-lover in the corner of their vision, now twisted by hatred for Rembrant into the shaman that cursed Rembrant's family. 12) The memory ends with Rembrant, Moris, and the shaman in the dungeon, with the shaman's head smiling satisfied, unaware that his curse would be lifted. 13) Tomoe decides not to reveal these memories to Makoto, as Rembrant is useful to Makoto, deciding to store away the memories, contemplating whether to show them to Makoto, especially if Rembrant looks at Makoto like he did his competitors in the past.

The Skeletal Jazz Wizard

a reminder for anyone that might read this, most people doing magic cant understand the runes or chants, theyre just reciting by rote memory. makoto's word mastery lets him basically cheat at magic, because he speaks the ancient language used for magic as fluently as japanese with his cheat skill from the goddess.