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Can't wait for the next ep


When he promotes, he gets passives of that Evil Piece, not their abilites. He can't just use Akeno's lightning, it is Akeno's ability. So when Issei promotes to Queen, he enchances his magic power (like bishop), speed (like knight) and strength with defense(like rook), cuz queen is essentially bishop+knight+rook in chess


So the transfer ability doesn't work the way you're thinking. What Transfers does is that it increases the power of other people or objects. In this case, Kiba used Sword Birth and Issei basically gave it a power boost. That is why there were a lot more swords over a wider range than when Kiba alone was using the technique. Unfortunately Issei does not get to keep the abilities that he power boosts up =/ but in my opinion it is more fun this way as it forces him and his teammates to come up with new strategies for battles.


Rias" I Can Win" and then loses without doing literally any damage to raiser( except him letting her shoot him) xD she is weaker than i expected.


Not really, her "Power of destruction" damage wise is stronger than riser's attacks, and she can deal more aoe damage too. It's just that Riser's "Immortality" from his clan is op as fuck, and he has more battle experience.