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There is explanation about why Quinella is being naked and why she is sleeping. Because the memory capacity of Quinella is reaching its limit, after her long span of life, she needs to reduce new information input at all costs. This is why she never leaves the top of the tower, and have other people run things on behalf of her for the most of the time. Unless there is anything important, she would sleep to prevent more information input. She even her administrative powers to remove her need for food and drink, as well as not wearing clothes, to reduce sensory inputs. And as part of the system as Administrator, she also does not feel anything about being naked in front of people too.

Jules vr5

To clarify the "past" thing: the man, that looked down on her, wasn't Bercouli! It was another character you will see along the way. Bercouli only was in the 2nd flashback showing she has feelings for him