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I'm not quite sure how it works exactly, but they made it pretty clear that in this world, weapons don't necessarily have to be made of steel. It was mentioned that Eugeo's blue rose sword isn't made of metal either. And I mean damn, have you looked at the durability of the Giga Ceder. I think any weapon made out of that wood is stronger than any weapon you could make out of steel in this world.


IIRC the explanation for weapons hasn't been fleshed out yet, it comes later down the line where the loredrop more about it. Most important to note is blue rose sword is a weapon from a folktale in their village / legend, the "demon tree" cedar tree is something similar. You can tie that to the newly introduced mechanic of "feeling/believing" to get stronger. It's a bit similar to Noragami's way of powerfull deity's. The more ppl believe in it, the stronger it is. So no doubt these 2 weapons have alot of punch packed.