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A request sketch of the continuation of the previous request of Natsuki getting her revenge (https://www.patreon.com/posts/natsukis-revenge-71386758) with Monika watching the scene unfold from afar and deciding to tinker around with the game's files in order to mess with them. Ironically enough, Natsuki gets her revenge in the end after all.

EDIT: Now with an added scat edit of one of the shots.




Definitely love the ass expansion there, amazing!


Oh wow, if this is the reason this took an extra day, I feel like it was entirely warranted! A full three pages of glorious Natsuki action with Monika finally getting her just desserts! (of course, I may still request Natsuki to suffer in the future, but it'll be with the knowledge she did at some point get some payback~) I am so excited for what you put out next!


Skunk Natsuki with the expressions she's making are the absolute best.

Dr. Evil

Really dig the hyper proportions on Natsuki. You should do it more often 👍


as much as I like Monica, that's a great payback !


Easily one of my favorites!

Joe Bob

Doki and Skunk! This is way up there for me! Also like the role reversal. You've been making straight fire this year.