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A request sketch of a continuation of the Mikasa and Sasha pic where Annie shows up and challenges Mikasa to a farrting contest. It gets pretty chaotic, but in the end they both blame it on Sasha (which is technicallt true given how she started it all ;) ).



Iruma Mob 100

I see someone else requested a continuation to the Mikasa and Sasha pic. I do wish that mine was chosen, but I love seeing Mikasa drawn by you so I’m still happy overall ^^ Plus my birthday is in 19 minutes so I can think of this as a birthday present kind of ehehe I can’t wait for the next Mikasa pic you draw in the future ^^ maybe it will be mine? ^^


This is the sequel we needed. Thank you for your never ending devotion to the fetish, you really are the best lazei.


Awesome, Lazei


Love how you draw farts fluttering hair/clothing- you always make them look thick and powerful. definitely one of the biggest draws to your art rn and something i hope you'll keep doing!


Wow, all we need now is the Female Titan to ambush Mikasa with a powerful fart, which Mikasa returns in kind, third fart battle away! In the aftermath, Mikasa will comment on her worthy opponent, whom she feels she’s faced before.


it nwas sasha who did it


Ayo Fs in the chat for Sasha lol


Niiice! And damn, one of those poses looks familiar hehe