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Okay I'll be opening up three (3) commissions which I'll be closing one day from the date of this post. They will be limited to sketch and coloured sketch commissions, and prices for them could be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/lazei/art/Commission-Info-2017-703958568 .

If you're interested, then please send me your commission ideas and make sure too be detailed in your message since I won't consider a simple "I want a commission" without a corresponding idea to go with it. Also ideally you should be clear about what kind of colouring and # of scenes are involved so that there will be less uncertainty in the process. You guys have about a day from when this is posted so hopefully that will be enough time for you to craft an idea. Personally I'd prefer it if you make your commission as a comment to this post (since it'll be easier to manage), but in case you want your commission idea to be private, then you can message me as well. I'll be updating this post when I've chosen the commissions.

ALL SLOTS FILLED! Thank you for your interest!

1. Curtis M (Not Paid, Not Completed)

2. Tanya Kenzaki (Not Paid, Not Completed)

3. Ackchual Me (Paid, Not Completed)



I’d like to commission a coloured sketch of Anna from Frozen, wearing her Queen dress from the end of the second movie, farting on her sister Elsa, who is wearing her white dress also from the end of the second movie. Anna is angry, saying “Are you sorry for not coming home yet?!” I can pay via paypal.


I’d like a colored sketch commission. What I want is for these two OC’s of mine: https://www.deviantart.com/kerbgonherb/art/Two-Helpings-Of-Squish-767838893 -Recita is the left one -Fukusei is the tiny in the middle -Kunatta is the right one To be in a similar situation as your “Peach and Daisy’s mushroom cloud” picture. https://www.patreon.com/posts/peach-and-daisys-27763815 I’m not sure if you’d re-use an idea like that, but I thought it was worth a shot. Basically, the commission has two panels. -The first one has Recita and Kunatta rubbing their butts together with Fukusei in the center. -The second panel has them doing a double fart on Fukusei. It’s a pretty basic idea really.

BubbleButt-DoubleButt (BBDB)

Ok. I’m posting this again because I posted this once before and paypal either SUPER delayed it’s posting, or it ate it all together. So if you see two requests, I’m terribly sorry in advance. It was not my intention to spam. So! I have a COLORED commission idea involving two OCs. One facefarting the other with a mischievous smirk on her face, while the other one suffers. I’ll post the pose first, which I sloppily worked together in photoshop to illustrate: https://sta.sh/0sofmflqzlk The girl on the bottom, the victim of the farting is Cheori. She normally wears a veil, but because there’s a reaction photo involved, I’ll also include her face under the mask. It’s a bit green cause it was from a prior facefarting comm, but if I’m chosen I’ll clarify any questions you may have. That comm also has the face of the second girl involved too. Cheori w/ veil: https://sta.sh/01ibz1nd3zfo Cheori w/out veil (+Maple): https://sta.sh/025ijr45x715 The second girl, as you saw, is a skunk girl naked Maple. She hasn’t really had a drawing where she isn’t being smothered in ass and blasted on with farts, but her general design is her in a tight black and white business suit https://sta.sh/0rlnhcr46ff and other than her face, hair, and choker, she has the standard skunk ears and tail. Again, I will answer any questions you may ask if I am chosen. That’s about it when it comes to this commission. I tried to go in as much detail as possible and made this as easy to understand as possible. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, I sincerely hope I am chosen because it’s an honor to have someone like you draw my characters. I eagerly await your decision. Best of luck to all else involved!

Robby Sanchez

For the commission idea itself I was thinking about a small comic strip spanning to about 10-12 panels maybe more and I would like to see it in the colored style, basically here’s how the idea goes For characters I wanted to ask for the characters from haikyuu specifically yachi and kiyoko. For the tier of sketch I was looking towards the cel shaded style Yachi is the timid and nervous type and because of this she sometimes gets stressed I was thinking that during practice she was getting some really bad stomach cramps so she heads to the bathroom to take care of business when she gets there’s it’s a lot of gas at first and most of it she can’t control when she’s squatting so she feels embarrassed even with no one in the bathroom she grunts and pushes and then feels a really thick log slowly coming out and coiling around the toilet, very slowly she is really working for it During her “workout” she hears the door open and she freezes up, but because of how big her turd is she can’t pinch it or try to hide what she’s doing and the she hears the other manager and her friend kiyoko call out her name asking if she’s ok, she feels mortified thinking about how her “sexy, stoic, and very kind” senpai must feel knowing she’s taking a large and stinky dump she grabs her stomach with one hand while the other kinda hiding her face in embarrassment, she responds saying she’s ok she’s just “having a tough time...” kiyoko actually responds with a simple “oh ok so I won’t be the only one then” This then surprises yachi hearing her senpai then enter the adjacent stall from her and hears her senpai pull her track suit pants down and gets into a squat, it’s a bit quiet for a couple seconds before a very loud and very rumbly series of large farts occur and the sigh of relief from kiyoko the whole time yachi just surprised to then hear her senpai grunt in a feminine soft tone as a loud cracking from a thick log begins from kiyoko a stall as a VERY wide log crowns from her asshole effortlessly like this is normal for her as it coils multiple times around the toilet below and then eventually filling the toilet and overflowing it as well the whole dump doesn’t last long but it ends with a Big Bang as kiyoko lets out a large gas blast filling her stall and yachi’s and most of the bathroom in a thick haze and that ends her dump as she proceeds to wipe and get ready to leave Meanwhile, yachi the whole time still her had dump to finish and she also had to deal with the stinky smell her senpai just left her in but at the same time she kinda felt like this side of her senpai needed to be respected, she hears kiyoko step out and leg her know that she’s heading back and wishing yachi an easy time and that she feels better. Yachi then waits for her to leave and when the door closes she then resumes her dump with a cute and pouty grunt pushing along her thick anaconda turd which fills out the toilet as well but doesn’t spill as it coils in a semi perfect pile she even lets out her own blocked up post dump gas and after wiping and finishing her own ordeal yachi does get the curiosity to take a peek at kiyokos destroyed toilet and she is at a point of admiration and respect for her senpai. As a funny end bit it could be a small panel where yachi declares that next time she won’t lose to kiyoko and in response kiyoko has a competitive twinkle in her eyes saying that she’ll be ready any time Also if it helps here are pictures for you to use as reference for the characters if you’d like to use them of course This is kiyoko: i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/d9/fe/f8d9fe981a18d879b77cc7f4caba7c09.jpg And this is Yachi: cdn-us.anidb.net/images/main/179601.jpg Good luck to everyone!


-Hey, Lazei! In terms of my commission idea, firstly it would be a colored sketch, and secondly it'd span about 9 panels. -The idea would be Karen Joshua (Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team) getting an upset stomach from bad military food and having to take a desperate emergency shit in the jungle, having a little accident along the way. -The panels would go something like this- 1: Karen is on recon in her Ground Gundam complaining about how "shitty" it is to have to be the only pilot to be sent on recon in the incredibly hot and muggy weather. 2. Karen then remarks on how the "shitty" day is compounded by the "shitty" military food she ate before having to leave to do recon. Her stomach is gurgling, and she'd look discomforted here. 3. Karen lets out a fart to relieve her stomach a bit, feeling great relief in doing so. 4. Towards the tail end of this fart it becomes a shart, and she realizes that, if she doesn't get to a bathroom quick, this isn't going to end well. 5. Karen jumps out and climbs out of her Ground Gundam, moving quickly considering the urgency of the situation. 6. Karen run off into the jungle to quickly find a spot to relieve herself, desperately looking for a spot. 7.Karen finds a spot and tries to get her pants down, getting frustrated with struggling to unfasten her belt a bit. 8. Just as she barely gets her pants down, she's not able to get her panties down in time, and has bit of messy pantypoop. 9. Karen pulls down her soiled panties and takes a large messy dump in jungle, looking pretty discomforted by her aching stomach and the fact that she couldn't quite make it in time. -Character reference: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vem4flqd28b69ct/AACS0oKN0RH8l7nk1Z60yfnSa?dl=0


If this get's picked I'd like a colored commission involving a giant version of the character akiza izinski from yugioh 5ds and an O.C. of mine called Sveda. I don't have a reference image for sveda but he has flat blue hair and wears a red hoodie, black pants and black sneakers. Akiza would be in her usual outfit (https://images.app.goo.gl/CbfTEthLnhEur3io6) just minus the dress part around her waist (like how I commissioned it over a year ago). The premise is it's date night between Akiza and Sveda and while playing hide and seek Akiza took the opportunity to give Sveda a "gift". The first panel would start with her towering over a stadium with sveda inside. She's smirking cruelly while saying "You picked the perfect spot to try and hide from me." The second panel shows she has turned around and is now hovering her ass over the stadium while saying " I was just looking for a toilet." while sveda is saying "wait let's talk about this.". The third panel involves her slamming her ass down onto the roof and then letting out a fart so big it's bursting out of every entrance to the stadium. (This panel may be against your scat rule and is drop-able). The fourth panel has her straining as she craps into the stadium filling it completely. The last panel has her looking at her handiwork saying "Hmm maybe I went a bit overboard on him... Nah the little perv loved every second of it." I also have an idea for an alternative version without the tiny if that would be more interesting or fitting the rules better.


Hello! Could i get a colored sketch with a light green background of camilla, Elise, and flora. Id like camilla to be laying on the floor while elise is being buried into her ass as flora sits on the back of her head. Id like both flora and camilla to be gassing her with brown gas, flora having an angry look and reprimanding elise saying "this is what you get for betraying our family!" While camilla lays with a smug and satisfied look of the fresh fart she just gassed elise with. Id like camilla and flora to have thicker thighs like the picture where camilla is torturing sakura. I'd like elise to have shown sign of struggle as she cries with a runny nose and lays unconscious with the white eyes you give them. Camilla and elise: https://mobile.twitter.com/lazei3/status/1091916837833474050 Flora (blue hair): https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Flora Preferred thickness of Camilla and Flora: https://mobile.twitter.com/lazei3/status/1183223332243529728 I'm sure you remember your own work but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Lucas Lucas

Hello, I'd like to commission a colored Sketch of the follow-up to Skuntank and Leaf where it's a long horizontal image with some female pokemon trainers complaining about a horrible smell, transitioning through forest to where Leaf still lies stinking, then we follow stink trail to the right back to Skuntank as she brushes off her hands as if to say her job is done. I imagine this would be a long and potentially difficult image, which is why I'd be willing to pay up front. If this seems too complicated, a colored sketch where Leaf lies dazed and stinking on the ground, with two butt-cheek craters on opposite sides of her head, as Skuntank walks away, would also be acceptable, and I would still be willing to pay in full beforehand. Both Ideas would have simple backgrounds.


Hi, I'd like to commission a cel-shade sketch (starting at $45) involving Zorome and Miku from Darling in the Franxx. The sketch would involve a regular training session with the pair inside a Franxx cockpit (similar to your previous sketch involving Zero Two and Hiro). However, during this training session, Miku had too much honey for breakfast curtesy of Zero Two and can't contain her gas. Unfortunately for Zorome, he's stuck in the Franxx for the remainder of the training session. Naturally an argument about Miku's gas starts up (something like Miku telling Zorome to "man up" and get over the smell and continue training). The background would be the cockpit of a Franxx, but it could still be pretty simple and a fairly grey color. The commission wouldn't have to be too colorful beyond Miku and Zorome's brownish colored hair and the pink details in Miku's plug suit. Ideally it would be three scenes total.


A colored sketch of someone (anon or perhaps the main character did the anime she’s from) shrunken and trapped in Ryuko Toramaru’s panties as she gets a stomach ache, and she farts so hard that her panties blow back super far from the air pressure. And afterwards they snap back into her butt as she continues to nurse her stomach and says something along the lines of ‘Ohhhh, and I’m just getting started...”


id like to request a commission pic/sequence of your skunk girl having fun with my boy Oki whos hand size, be it, fart /scat variants added to. I would give you freedom with it and just pay for the idea you think of, thank you


The character is going to be a brown-haired, bobbed-haired girl on the beach commission I applied to you before. Remember what it looks like? I would like to request a SOFT-SAHDE cartoon commission as I left it in the comments. The concept is called "Special Bakery." When the store didn't do well, the main character decided to make special food like he used to make cocktails at his old cocktail bar. Cookies that smell like farts and make milk. Cookies will be made by pressing the cookie dough with their hips, farting on the dough, wrapping it, and selling it in the package. I want to milk the milk directly from my breast, put it in a bottle, and fart in it.


I would like to request a colored sketch comic commission with 7-8 scenes that includes the character Formidable from Azur Lane and the commander but the model for the commander can just be some general faceless model with the commander hat. Anyway, the scenario is this, the commander has a fart fetish and his secretary is Formidable and every day he request that Formidable sit on his face, engulfs him under her dress and farts on his face. Well today, Formidable warns the commander that she had some bad oil and that her stomach is feeling suspect but the commander decides to go through with it anyway. So Formidable sits on his face and let's out a huge fart while holding her stomach and the commander responds by giving a thumbs up. The next fart is a really wet fart and upon it happening Formidable warns the commander that she thinks that she really has to use the toilet but the commander insists that she stays just a little longer. Formidable then attempts to let one more fart go but she shits in her panties a little while sitting on the commander's face. Formidable then puts on a very embarrassed faces while she shoots up and heads for a bin in the corner of the commander's office. She then proceeds to take a huge shit in that bin which overflows it while at the same time staring down the commander and saying that this is his fault, and that he will have to replace her panties and dress while the commander let's out a blushing laugh. here is a reference for what Formidable looks like: https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/Formidable


Hi I have a commission idea. Fate Testarossa from magical girl lyrical Nanoha is going up stairs, and Nanoha is behind her. Suddenly Fate feels something in her stomach and stops,then Nanoha’s face hit big butt of Fate. Then Fate rips DEADLY SBD with scull effects and Nanoha drops from stairs. Fate is embarrassed and worried about Nanoha. Fate is like this http://www.alter-web.jp/products/428/ Nanoha is like this https://www.noda-ya.com/html/syohin/figure/02009968.htm I’ll ask you the cel chade one! Thank you.

Charles W

Sure, why not. How about (a cel shaded commission of) Yuyuko using Youmu as a seat cushion and casually farting on her while she gorges herself on onigiri.


I have a colored sketch commission idea of Regina from DokiDoki Precure gorging on ice cream,then after her stomach gurgles, she fills a room with farts while Bel Mammo and Ira are forced to smell it


It's an honor you open the commission slots for Patreon users again! I would like to give a commission as Colour Sketch, which is from 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime'. -Character- Milim Nava: https://imgur.com/a/CguMRVN Rimuru Tempest: https://imgur.com/a/Z0zbfSP Rimuru Tempest (Slime Version): https://imgur.com/a/z89BGsY *Don't misunderstand. Rimuru is Male!* Scene 1 Rimuru has a farting fetish, so Milim Nava usually plays using fart when they have a relationship. Milim Nava's stomach is really in pain all day, so she really wants to let loose all-out massive gas in her tiny bloated belly. He really loves her farting as much as he might be able to take her massive gas into his body no matter how much she had. (Facesitting 3/4 https://imgur.com/ScIUaGR) He spreads her tiny butt cheeks widely by his hands and puts his nose into her anus really deeply. His nose seems stuck inside her intestine. Besides, Her pussy covers his mouth completely. so he only can breathe what she gives. However, He reveals happiness on his face with heart effects. She reveals ecstacies on her face and injects enormous and thunderous farts through his nostrils going to organ deeply. This play is going so far as to his belly a little bit bloats, not big. And the tiny gas is leaking out strongly from his ears. (***Showing anatomy scene beside her facesitting, but he starts feel a bit weird [disgusted] by here, which means her gas keeps going worse.) Dialogue is like Milim Nava: "Today, I've prepared tons of gas for you, Rimuru♡ That I ate Dinosaur meats are making my stomach so hurt! Panal 1- facesitting fart 3/4 angle ( https://imgur.com/ScIUaGR ) Panal 2- another facesitting fart shot close up 3/4 angle. His nose is eaten by her bunghole. (Only her back,butt, and his face are visible) Panal 3- anatomy scene (lung and beely vision) *panal 1,2 they are making different farts, and different dialogue. Scene 2 After the time has been flown so fast, he realizes he can not endure her incredible amounts of the deadly gas on human Form. Although she is one of the strongest devils, for some reason, she can fart deadly and incredibly a lot. Rimuru decides to change as 'Slime Form'. He activates 'Predator ', that is his unique skill anything he can absorb. She even farts more awfully and louder. She keeps pouring out disastrous blasts. Her gas is making him a HUGE Balloon Slime. He feels disgusted and stiff even though he activated 'Predator'. She reveals biting her lips and ecstacies on her face. Panal 4- deadly and massive farting into Slime and making him bigger Panal 5- disaterous farting into Slime and making him like Gigantic Balloon Slime Dialogue is like In Rimuru's mind: " I even didn't know she had this much! And the smell is going worse that I can not handle! But, It would be fine since I've activated 'Predator' skill.." Scene 3 After 2 hours later, His slime form has changed to Human Form, which means, his slime form with Predator skill was effortless. His eyes are spinning as he falls on the floor. Even he foams at his mouth. But, she was still tilting and begging Rimuru to play more, spouting monstrous farts. And the surround is changed to thick dense yellow. Because his body has protected fresh air so far from her deadly stench, but now she unleashes outside, looking at his face. Dialogues are like this Milim Nava: " What happened Rimuru? I still don't feel fresh. Let's play more. Rimuru: "(Skeleteon Mark)" Panal 6 Rimuru is fainted, Milim Nava is still tilting and begging Rimuru to play more, spouting monstrous farts. The air becomes thick dense yellow color with smell. And the any creatures are dying (birds, rabbit...etc)


I’d love to see monika (ddlc) in the just monika scene shafting hard in 1 frame and in the 2nd frame you can see from behind her looking up with a massive mess in her panties/skirt saying “god I’m so glad MC can’t see from behind me otherwise this would be super embarrassing...” thanks for all the hard work you do and have a nice day