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Okay, so I've noticed something rather suspicious about the way the suggestion box winners are determined. I've been paying attention to the most popular posts at the end of the month and I've found that every time during the last days of the month there would be one suggestion that would suddenly skyrocket out of nowhere to take the top spot and become the winning idea for the month. These particular suggestions we're never that popular prior and I never really knew about them all that much so it did come as a surprise to me when I saw that they suddenly overtook every other suggestion out of nowhere. There were others who noticed this too and I have received complaints about it in private so it seems it's not just me who's aware of it. Initially, I decided to take a wait and see approach to all of this. If this was just a one time thing then I wouldn't consider it too troubling, but the fact that it has been happening consistently across every suggestion box and over the course of multiple months means that it is probably more than a coincidence. It's likely that someone is rigging the polls and messing with the voting system. I don't know who, but it seems like someone is.

I'm assuming that they're using multiple accounts or something in order to mess around with everything. Originally I thought that nobody would go out of their way to do anything like that since there's an upfront charge system in place that would make that too costly to do, but either they've found a way around that or they're just really rich or something. Now that is certainly great for me in a sense but, not to get too political here, as someone who's not at all a fan of money in politics I'm not all that happy about this happening either.

Frankly I don't how I can address this. I don't know how I can find the person who's doing all of this and how many accounts they have and even if I were to confront them, they can just simply lie about it. That's the internet for you I guess. Again, I just want to emphasize that alot of this is speculative and it could very well not be happening at all (so I don't want any of you guys to go around blaming anyone without good grounds). But given what I've been witnessing recently and the comments I've received, if people are unhappy with the exclusive pictures every month possibly because of this then then I can't just ignore it and pretend like it's not happening.

So I've decided to just scrap the whole voting system altogether. It really sucks to have to do this given that the reason why I have this voting system in the first place was because Patreon hammered down on the raffle system of mine cause they considered it gambling. To be honest, I don't know what I am going to replace it with right now. I'm sort of short on ideas for that, but if any of you guys have anything to suggest then I'd be open to hearing it, just so long as it's not anything that's voter or luck based, and can be spread out among the different tiers. Hopefully I'll figure out a replacement by next month. As for this month, I may just decide to do a basic suggestion box and take requests and make some of those pictures exclusive. That is the current system right now, but we'll see where things go from there.

So if you were wondering about why updates have been a bit slow this time around, that is partly why (the other reason is because the exclusive pictures this time were also pretty big). I've also thought about doing the second place pictures this time around over the first place ones, but seeing as I don't know which ones people actually voted for, I decided to just do both this time around for the most part. I am not gonna do this every month. I can imagine some of you guys won't be happy with any of these updates but I hope you understand.



Wow, the thought occured to me too but I didn't actually think anybody would go through the trouble of multiple accounts lol. Sorry, that's a huge mess for you to deal with. It might just be time to return to having a suggestion box and just doing requests that you feel like doing...there doesnt really seem to be a perfect solution unfortunately.


Sorry to hear that the voting system is getting scraped. It sucks that some people would rig the system like that. Maybe every month, people in a speific tier can leave a suggestion for you to draw. (Like, everyone that is 10$ tier can leave a suggestion in one box, and 5$ tier can leave their suggestions in another box), but NO voting, just your choice of what you want to draw. (Maybe pick up to 5 people per box to draw.) As I'm typing this, I know it's not that different from the voting system, but it's something. Hopefully you can come up with a better alternative.


Well you could technically vote for all options and retract the votes on the last day, that’s the only thing about those polls I understood. The other thing is, if one person is setting up multiple accounts just for a poll it means they probably just like your stuff too much. The only thing I would say would be to pick from the top 5 votes in each one without overlapping ideas? Or just go back to suggestions XD


You could do a mix between voting and suggestions, like picking 5 ideas you like and then putting them up to a poll. You could do it so all of the $10 get a suggestion, all of the $10 and $5 get a suggestion ect...


I figured something fishy was happening with the polls lately, especially this months since my suggestion that looked like it would win was suddenly overtaken in a single day, though I didn't want to make a fuss about it. Of course you still made mine which I'm very thankful for, but it's obviously unfair to anyone else who lost the same way if foul play is involved. I'm glad you're acknowledging this even though it sucks that polls are gone, but I suppose you could just open up a suggestion box for the month and do a few for each tier, like others mentioned.


That sucks so badly. Might be an idea to do a request post like what Carafalsa does where we suggest ideas and you choose what you'd most like to do yourself. Solves the rigging problem and still gives us some input.


Pretty sure this is what Patreon banned in the first place with the raffles, that's why Cara doesn't do it anymore


That sucks, hope ya can find another way to go about things if possible D:


Bummer. Right as I re-pledged and was ready with some pic suggestions to submit to the vote, too...Here's to hoping you can find a new system.


Is this a more recent issue then? I actually got the most votes fairly for the Chun li and Juri one I suggested and that was either March or April I think.