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Gonna be taking some commissions exclusively on here. Note that I’ll only be taking THREE (3) slots this time around. If you want some information on what the prices are and all, you can check out the commission info here: https://lazei.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Info-2017-703958568

If you are interested in getting a commission done, then feel free to message me if you find a slot open below. I’ll be updating these slots as they are filled and completed.

*ALL SLOTS FILLED AND COMPLETED! Thank you for your interest!*

1) Curtis M (Paid, Completed)

2) Trismegistis  (Paid, Completed) 

3) SpeedDMon  (Paid, Completed) 


Also, this post is a reminder for patrons to vote on the winners for the next month exclusive pictures. This is a last minute opportunity to change and add your votes to different suggestions and make your own.

 On that note, I have noticed that for this month that it's looking like there will be a single winner for multiple suggestion boxes this time around, their distinct suggestions currently being popular for both the general and the cel-shade suggestion boxes. Of course this situation could change by the end of the month but I want to ask whether it would be cool to have multiple suggestions by the same patron be chosen as winners for the same month or whether or not I should do something like picking the most popular suggestion by another patron in one while sticking to a one patron one reward sort of deal. I'd feel like the latter would be more fair, but then again there's also the democratic process as well. I dunno which one I should side with TBH, so let me know in the comments what you would prefer here for this month and the subsequent ones.



I think that if the same person gets the most votes, they still should be allowed to win in multiple polls. After all, it's a vote and it's what everyone (or at least most people) want to see!


As much as it kinda bums me out, if that's what people voted for then I guess that's who the winner is.




Can you check the message? I have a lot to say.