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Another monthly sketch commission again of Rukoruko bombing the toilet and leaving a huge mess. Originally the commissioner only wanted the aftermath image, but I remember promising a Rukoruko toilet pic after that last picture I did of her so I decided to draw up a prequel as well. So in case you were wondering what she did after letting out that fart nuke earlier, then yeah :).




Did you open a commission on March? I couldn't confirm. I really want to do it when I have a commission this month.


Can i just say that this picture coming out on April first means that Deviant art has the option to "smell this deviation." ...I simultaneously want and do not want this to be true, lol.


Yeah, I opened them up on my DA. I usually cycle between my DA, my twitter, and my patreon whenever I open commissions. Next I will be opening them on here.


Ah, I thought that only Twitter and Patreon had a commission. I remember it was held on Twitter in February, so I'm going to open it on Patreon this month? Patreon got fewer slots, so I'm gonna have to get ready.