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Gonna be taking some commissions exclusively on here. Note that I’ll only be taking THREE (3) slots this time around. If you want some information on what the prices are and all, you can check out the commission info here:https://lazei.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Info-2017-703958568

If you are interested in getting a commission done, then feel free to message me if you find a slot open below. I’ll be updating these slots as they are filled and completed.

*ALL SLOTS HAVE BEEN FILLED & COMPLETED! Thank you for your interest!*

1) Scrungus (Paid, Completed)

2) Tristmegistis (Paid, Completed)

3) BBDB (Paid, Completed)



I am a Korean.  I would like to apply for your commission. It may be a little strange to talk about with a translation program. I have been looking at the pictures since you started PetLeon in Tumblr and I love your pictures. I really want to apply for the commission. Is there any way?


I sent a message about making a commission a few mins ago


Sorry, I just filled all of the commission slots just now.


Why did I miss this chance!!


Damn I didn't notice this! Hoping to swipe a slot next time they open


ahh i would have loved one again...but you uploaded this at a stupidly late time for my country...