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Hey guys, it's been a while since I last posted anything on here, but I'm officially resuming work on patreon again after all of these months. Not surprisingly, I have alot of news to give out, particularly regarding changes to the patreon system that I am planning on making.

Raffle system to be replaced by voting system

Some of you may have noticed that my patreon was taken down for a number of weeks recently. That was a result of patreon becoming more strict on patron rewards they consider to be "gambling", raffles being included among them. So I had to remove it during the break. In its place, instead of having the monthly exclusives be determined by random chance, I will pick the rewards based upon the most popular choice for each tier.

Essentially the new system will be the same. Every month I will create suggestion boxes where people will offer their ideas on what they want me to draw. There will be three of them, one available for each tier:

- A monthly simple colour picture suggestion box will be available to only $5 patrons.
- A monthly cel-shadepicture suggestion box will be available to only $10 patrons.
- A monthly generalsoft-shade picture suggestion box will be available to all patrons.

People will vote on which ones they want to be drawn by liking the posts they want, where the suggestion with the most likes will be drawn at the end of the month. In the case of a tie, then I will pick based upon my own personal preference.The pictures that will be drawn are going to all be exclusive to patreon.

In addition, any suggestion that does not win out may still be drawn by me as a request like before, but that will come after the voted on suggestions are decided upon. So if your suggestion didn't get voted on for one month, I may still draw it regardless.

Also, I will be checking out the suggestions from time to time to make sure that the requests are ones that I'm okay with. If I have a problem with the suggestion then I will notify you and tell you about it so that changes can be made.

As of right now, I am not entirely sure about when I should decide on the winners. Either I can do it on the 20th of every month and pick the most voted on posts then, drawing the pictures before months end, or I can set the date at the beginning of the next month and draw the pictures during that month like before with the raffle rewards. If you want, you can tell me which you prefer on here.

If you have comments on how whether another system should be implemented or how the current one can be improved then I'm open to hearing that too. My intention here is to try to maintain much of the old system without the whole random chance aspect that got me suspended, but I am open to hearing more wild ideas as well.

Schedule for this month and future plans

Although I would've liked to say that I have a good idea of what the future schedule of my patreon will be from here on out, I'm afraid to say that this is still undecided as of right now. Currently, I still have a number of things I need to work on first before I figure that out but hopefully I'll have it all determined by the new year so expect an update from me by then. As of this month though, this is what I hope to be working on:

- I will be delivering on the raffle rewards for May (which I have already decided upon and posted just recently).

- Also gonna be delivering on the sketch commissions for those patrons in the $35 tiers as well.

- I will be working on colouring the most liked sketch requests for the months of April and maybe May. There are alot of pictures that I still need to work on colouring and hopefully I can get the rest of them done before years end so that I can focus on new stuff. My plan is to keep a backlog of about one month's worth of sketch pictures this time around so that the amount of uncoloured requests don't get out of hand like last time. I am still trying to figure out how to work out my schedule so that things are manageable.

- Also have a number of other pictures that I've been working on throughout the break, some of which are more finished than others, and some of which have been on my computer for months now. I am gonna be posting these when they're ready.

- Finally if possible, I hope to get some commissions open before the holidays, just cause it's the season and all that.

That is everything that I have to say for now I believe. Not sure if you guys are interested in sticking with me, but I can understand if you want to drop your pledge. In any case, I am grateful for the support you have given me for all of the months I've been on here, and also for being so patient with me while I was gone.



the god is back!

Kaiju ale

Glad to have you back, hope the vacation was well! So there's three assured pictures released per month (along with the backlogged you have from previous months) how many suggestions will be drawn outside of those three pictures, or will you decide on the fly? It must be a hard decision to make because patreon's "gambling" didn't apply here to begin with. So who knows if it's considered gambling if you pick random suggestions out of generosity.


Glad to have you back Lazei! For the new voting system i think you should suggest a theme yourself each month so for example you could have a super hero theme, a MILF theme etc. and we can all chime in our suggestions based on that theme. I think it'd be best as it allows for you to have some sort of control over what you draw and helps to keep the suggestions to be more grounded.


I’m so happy you’re back, Lazei! Christmas is 24 days away, but it feels like today! I can’t wait to see you’re future, and hopefully, I’ll be able to snag you for commission once the chance arises! Again, so happy to have you back!


I really missed you.


Glad to hear from you again man! :D


welcome back! I hope you've been doing better as of late!


Well, the number of pictures I will be drawing from the suggestion boxes outside of the three voted on pictures depends on my own preference. It's not any different from the system before, where people left raffle suggestions and I did some of the ones that didn't win as requests. There isn't any gambling involved there so there should be no issue with patreon's rules.


That sounds like a good idea to keep things interesting! I may think about implementing it next month since I'm thinking about keeping it general this month around.

Chad Egg

Welcome back, hope your break was nice and relaxing!


can you fix the links that use sta.sh to change it into another media