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Unpopular Small Poll: Totally Spies vs. Hi-Fi Rush vs. Monster Hunter vs. Skunk Office Lady vs. Metal Gear

  • Totally Spies 40
  • Hi-Fi Rush 47
  • Monster Hunter 36
  • Skunk Office Lady 124
  • Metal Gear 9
  • 2024-05-07
  • —2024-05-09
  • 256 votes
{'title': 'Unpopular Small Poll: Totally Spies vs. Hi-Fi Rush vs. Monster Hunter vs. Skunk Office Lady vs. Metal Gear', 'choices': [{'text': 'Totally Spies', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'Hi-Fi Rush', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'Monster Hunter', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Skunk Office Lady', 'votes': 124}, {'text': 'Metal Gear', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 9, 23, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 7, 22, 58, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 256}


Option #1: A GTS Mandy from Totally Spies in her purple spy spandex suit suddenly feels her stomach gurgling and sees the other girls (Clover, Alex, and Sam) in her wake as she looks at them with a devious smirk on her face and tells them that they’re in for a real explosive surprise with all the beans she ate. Mandy then turns around and squats down on them, flipping the girls off with her left hand and has her right hand on her ass cheek.

Mandy then grunts loudly and rips an almighty hyper fart so loud and powerful that it blows the girls away and destroys the city in its wake with a yellow nuclear gas cloud seen in the distance. We zoom back into Mandy and she sighs in relief with her tongue sticking out. She looks back over her shoulder at the damage she’s caused and laughs, saying that not even a giant fan can fan away the smell and stench of her massive ripper of a fart.


Option #2: Korsica (Hi-Fi Rush) gets angry at Peppermint after her cybernetic modifications cause her wind attacks to come out of the wrong end, then thinks to repay her in the only way she knows.


Option #3: Fiorayne and Rondine from the game Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: both have some gas problem, however Fiorayne’s farts are a lot more loud and bassy then her sister’s and was annoyed by it, while Rondine playfully grabs and spreads Fiorayne’s butt to help relieve the stress, but accidentally made her shart through her pants.


Option #4: Requesting some skunkgirl office ladies farts, dressed in typical OL fashion:

Leaning into a coworker at a computer to help with some work, only to rip massive ass causing said coworker to pass out.

Awful coffee farts that clear out the break room.

Having to hold in a massive fart while giving a meeting, only to let it out and knock out everyone in the room.


Option #5: Solid Snake in a vent directly behind Meryl who complains about him still smoking. She then farts in his face so powerfully it puts it out.


Riccardo Catalano

I love high fi rush, and corsica/pepperming are gorgeous. Just not a big fan of the story.


Totally Spies not looking likely, sad. The premise isn't super strong to be fair, I'd rather have a revenge comic where the rivals get torment the girls as payback for the previous comic 👀


Is it right to proceed according to the vote? I'm really looking forward to number 4