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Bret thought it would be a funny joke, buy a sexy little catsuit and dress in drag for the fraternity Halloween party. However he probably should have picked a better store than Spells R Us to buy the costume from.

The Instructions were fairly simple, even if he hadn't read them. 

1. If a customer wears the costume on a full moon, the costume will fit any customer perfectly. 

2. If a customer who has worn the costume has sexual intercourse during the full moon the effects of the costume will become permanent. 

Now as he lays on the floor of the frat house, powerful magiks transform his body to match the outfit. His hips push outward, filling with new mass. Budding breasts begin to form on his chest as long strands of blond hair push out from his scalp.

As the changes overwhelm him, Brittany struggles against strange new desires. The throbbing erection between her shapely legs betrays the fact that she's started to think of her former fraternity brothers in a whole new way.  



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