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I wanted to apologize for not posting as much as I usually do, I was travelling last week for work and wasn't able to render as much as I liked. But I was able to write a little story just in time for Halloween, I hope you all enjoy it. 


The trouble had all started about a month ago. Dylan had come to London as part of a study abroad program and the problem was that he was really just interested in studying broads. Every night since his flight had landed at Heathrow, you could find the young American in a bar or a club somewhere in the heart of the city. Sure, he knew this was the opportunity of a lifetime and so far away from his small, conservative home town and the ever watchful eyes of his family, young Dylan felt more free to do what he wanted to explore this beautiful city, enjoy its vibrant culture, and most importantly its lower drinking age.

That was where he met her, drinking. Not in a bar or a club, but a pub, which is different because it’s older and stuffier. It was a slower paced place than where he usually hung out at, but he’d met there with a few expat friends there as part of a bar crawl, a first stop on what should be a long night of drinking and debauchery.

His eyes flicked to her when he first walked in the door with his friends. This girl had a body he couldn’t believe, the curves of her body, the swell of her breast, this woman had proportions that would make any porn star jealous. And a face that you’d swear was rin through a dozen filters if it wasn’t staring right back at you. Everything about this woman was like something out of Dylan’s fantasies.

They’d only made eye contact at the first pub, just a brief look, a flirty smile, a widened eye. It hadn’t been much, but it had been the start of something. At the second club, he’d spotted her again. Staring at him from the other side of the bar, her radiant blue eyes, focused in on him like a predator stalking its next meal. At the third bar, he’d worked up the courage to walk over and talk to her. They did shots, made idle chit-chat, the usual subjects when a naive American meets a pretty girl overseas; politics, movies, differences in the systems of measurement, etc. By the fourth bar, she seemed pretty tipsy and young Dylan was arguing with his friends that it was getting late and he should take the girl home. He didn’t mention that he meant his home.

The sex was incredible, the hottest Dylan had had since he’d arrived, hell possibly ever. She was like a wild animal, attacking his body the moment they crossed through the threshold to Dylan’s apartment. Leaping at her quarry, the young woman tore through his clothes in an instant. He was turned on immediately, pouncing back at the girl, the pair soon intertwined on the couch. A mix of limbs and flesh, the pair shared themselves with each other. So lost in the passion of their lust, Dylan hardly noticed her playful love nibbles. Even when one bit a bit too, drawing the tiniest fleck of blood. He’d come to regret it.

He’d never got the girl's name in the end, not a number either. By the time Dylan had woken up in the morning, that stunning creature had fled back into the night. With no contacts, the only proof he’d even had that she was even there was a simple message, scrawled across his mirror in hot pink lip gloss.

Beware The Moon

A month passed, as they often do, without much at all happening. At least not much Dylan could notice; he went out, partied, went to class, hung out with his friends, the usual things, but as the nights since that encounter grew Dylan felt a gnawing anxiety that there was something he was forgetting. Some glaring, blindingly obvious fact, that he’d somehow managed to suppress down.

It was late in the evening, the sun had just begun to set over the rooftops of Kensington, as Dylan sat inside, waiting for his flatmate to return home. They’d planned to head out on the town tonight, hit up a few pubs, the typical Thursday night for a couple of poor uni students. To pass the time until Jack's return, Dylan idly flipped through one of his Economics textbooks. His grades had been slipping recently, in all of his classes really, and though he’d previously been able to balance fun with schoolwork, it seemed that something had finally caught up with him.

Even now as he reviewed his study book Dylan was finding it harder and harder to understand. Each page took just a little longer to cover, sometimes having to go back and reread the same page several times, sometimes having to sound out the more challenging words out loud. What was going on with him, this stuff was so basic! Most of this was stuff he’d first learned in high school, why was it so difficult to understand now?

And that was when he spotted it, the warm light of the new full moon rising over the metropolis skyline, surging forth to take her dominant position in the night sky. Filling the sky with her warm, loving light. And in an instant Dylan was struck.

He dropped the textbook like it was on fire, leaping to his feet Dylan howled in pain, as his hands grasped his pounding head. “Jesus Christ,” he yelled, “What the fuck?!?”

In a split-second the young man’s temperature began to rise, drops of sweat began to coat his skin as shaking hands grappled with his once comfortable t-shirt.

“I-I’m burning up,” he cried, prying the sweat-drenched fabric off his inflamed body. Not wasting a second, Dylan raced to remove his trousers. Yanking his fly open, he worked quickly to remove the offending garments. Pulling away his jeans and underwear, Dylan took in a deep breath as he exposed his full body to the open air.

But still he ached, shivering feverishly, Dylan clutched at his head, rubbing his fingers along his reddened scalp. A soft, crinkling sound filled the air as new hairs began to sprout from his head, the lightly colored sprouts raced up to overtake his darker curlier hair. The new yellow hairs soon overwhelmed the old ones. They spilled down his neck, growing softer as they reached his shoulders. Dylan gasped as the new bangs entered his eyeline, holding up a strand  for closer inspection, the frightened young man gasped out just one word.

“B-blonde?” He fell onto his knees in shock, pulling on his now lengthened, luxurious hair.

“Why am I blonde?!? Why am I-”

His voice trailed off into a soft cry as the cramps set in. Up and down his body, muscles twitched and shifted. His once toned body dwindled from the inside out, changing his shape to a slimmer, more petite form.

Looking down at his contorting flesh, Dylan hunched over in pain. With each spasm he could feel his organs twisting, reforming into new, unfamiliar positions.

"Help me," Dylan pleaded, begging anything that could listen to stop the changes. "Help me, I-"

Before he could finish, a loud, horrible cracking sound filled the air, followed shortly thereafter by the most painful scream Dylan had ever emitted in his life. He fell forward, catching himself on shaking hands.

His pelvis had shattered, just torn itself in two. Whimpering in pain, Dylan could feel the two pieces dancing around inside him. Turning his head back, he watched in horror as the pair separated, pulling his hips further and further apart.

He turned his head away as the bones fused once again, unwilling to look at his now distinctively curvy lower half. His eyes turned to the floor, just in time to witness the bones in his hands now begin to change. Pops and snaps rang out as the fingers slimmed out one after the other. His palms contracted in, reforming the digits into smaller, more delicate shapes. His eyes widened when he saw the pink, sparkly nail polish rolled over his nails, stretching them out into finely manicured points. The glittering shade of pink sweetness looked just like-

"Noooo!!" He begged as the changes pushed their way up his trembling arms. Flecks of thick body hair fell away, as his biceps and forearms dwindled away, leaving him feeling weak and powerless against the overwhelming force now assaulting him.

His shoulder blades snapped inwards, the force of the realignment collapsed his already frail arms, sending Dylan face forward into the carpet. Feeling the course fibers grinding into his face, he felt an odd sort of appeal to the sensation. As if there was something natural about this position, with his face down and ass up in the air just begging to be f-

No! No! He couldn't, he shouldn't think these sort of thoughts. He needed to get help. Dylan shook the intrusive thought away before it could get too far.

Grunting, Dylan tried to push himself up from the carpet. The young man had done hundreds of pushups in his life, but his now weakened arms could barely hold him up, let alone raise him off the floor. Faltering, Dylan yelped as he fell to one side, then quickly tumbled onto his back.

Gripping the carpet angrily in both hands, Dylan howled as the changes moved down his legs. Kicking the air in frustration, he could feel the muscles in his legs remolding themselves. Flecks of dark curly hairs fell away from his thighs as the shapes began to swell. Fat and new muscle formed underneath his now smooth skin.

It wasn't long before the growing thighs met together, the soft, pale shapes kissing just below his groin. The sensation was indescribable, the feel of his soft thighs rubbing off one another, the touch of smooth skin moving against smooth skin was exciting, alluring. Blood raced towards his loins as the last of his body hair shed away. His feet hammered themselves down into more delicate, ladylike shapes. Images of high heels and pumps teased his confused brain, as a shiny pink coat of paint oozed across his toe nails. A perfect match for his cute, new nails.

Shaking away a strand of damp, blonde hair, Dylan propped himself up on the arm of the couch. Confused and frightened, the young man tried his best to fight off the invasive, effeminate thoughts, but his resistance was getting weaker and weaker.

Gurgling, wet snapping sounds filled the air as Dylan watched as his abdomen squished inwards. His stomach turned loops as organs repositioned, muscles pulling in tight to form a toned and slim waistline. Dylan bit his lower lip, moaning as thoughts of strong hands wrapped around that waist bombarded his thoughts.

Taking in a long, deep breath, Dylan's cock sprang to attention at the thought of being grappled by some young hunk, being used as his plaything. His balls throbbed and ached, pushing out the first dribble of precum.  Pawing at his hardened member, Dylan whimpered, imagining taking his sensitive thighs and wrapping them around some studs face while he f-

Dylan let out a hot, loud gasp as his ribcage collapsed inward, reforming his upper torso now too. The tightening bone pressed down against his lungs forcing the air out in a loud continuous shriek. His vocal chords pulled taught as he screamed, pushing his once masculine voice up a register, giving him a more sensual sounding tone.

Shoving himself away from the couch, Dyan crawled across the floor on his knees, hands pressed tightly to his face. It was all he could do to keep himself from touching his aching cock.

But it did little to stop things, his testes had shifted their purpose. Estrogen had begun production, seeping into his warm body, as the balls began to purge the last of his semen. Rope after rope of cum erupted from his sore member, but did little to sate his arousal.

Wafting in the scent of his released seed, Dylan licked his lips begging to smell more. Closing his eyes tight, he tried to force the urges back down to no avail. If he wanted more, he'd have to get the guys to like him. If he wanted the guys to like him, he'd have to be pretty…

Dylan winced as he felt the bone underneath his fingers began to change. The top of skull caved downward, pressing against his already addled brain. His chin shaved itself away, as his nose chipped down to a cute button. His eyes snapped open, just in time for the irises to shift from deep hazel to luminescent light blue. Fat cells expand over his lips, pushing them out and up into a perfect pout.

An idle hand slipped from its position to trace a finger along his puffy lips, teasing in and out of his mouth. A pink shade of lip gloss raced over his perfect DSL, as he fantasized about S-ing some hunk's D. Pumping a pair of fingers into his lips, Dylan hardly noticed the makeup or eyeshadow appearing on his face, accentuating his now feminine features.

The remaining hand now strayed from his face too, making its way downward the disobedient hand toyed with an eager nipple. Perking up with his touch, his nipples swelled with excitement. Pinpricks of new nerves sprouted up inside his chest, driving his sensitivity wild.

A slave to his own lust, Dylan rocked his hips up and down in time with his fingers. With each thrust his chest seemed to swell out a little more. Small, but growing mounds formed under his chest. Driven on by the massive amounts of hormones entering his system, Dylan's meager bosom swelled outwards, rising like a pair of ships being raised up by a great tide.

Gazing down at his expanding bustline, the young man, assuming he could still be considered a man at this point, stared half-hypnotized at his now massive, jiggling breasts. His dainty hands could barely palm one, they were bigger than any he'd seen before and they were all his. One of the hands slipped away, racing between his legs to stroke at his twitching cock as he yearned to show these magnificent breasts to anyone who could witness them.

Stroking up and down on his member, he could feel the spasming organ shrinking away in his hand. Undeterred Dylan just thrusted his hips harder, unwilling to let his cock disappear before getting the release he desperately deserved.

The muscles in glutes tightened, new fatty tissue formed around his buttocks, swelling up with new mass. Dylan jiggled his heavy ass up and down, silently praying for someone to touch it.

Submitting himself fully to the supernatural forces now controlling him, Dylan fell face forward once again. Gritting his teeth into the carpet, he had returned to that once feared position with his face down and ass up in the air just begging to be fucked.

Moaning like the new slut he was quickly becoming, Dylan spread his legs as he felt his testes, now ovaries, rise up tight against him. Howling in ecstasy as they pulled up inside him, guiding a new path to his feminine organs.

The skin of his now empty sack, stretched a flower outwards into the lips of an eager, needy cunt. Panting and heaving, Dylan shattered into a million pieces of orgasmic energy as his shuddering, miniscule cock retreated inside his new femininity. Jolts of bliss erupted from his new clitoris and raced up his spine and exploded inside his mind, knocking the last strength from his legs and collapsing him fully onto the floor.

It was only a moment before the fallen figure pulled herself back up from the floor. Rising to her feet, the new were-bimbo sashayed towards the mirror in the hallway, enjoying the way her wide hips rocked back and forth as she walked.

Eying up the gorgeous centerfold staring back at her from the mirror's surface, Dyana licked her lips hungrily. Admiring her new curves and beautiful face, she fantasized about hunting down a handsome boy and having her way with him.

A click of metal turned her attention away from the mirror. The front door downstairs creaked open, followed by the sound of Jack's footsteps on the floor below as Dylan's roommate called up to his now transformed friend to get ready to go.

Looking up to the sky, the young lady stared up at the full moon one final time. A wicked smile spread across her lips as she made her way to the stairs. The moon was high and the hunt was on.


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