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Sorry for the slow down in content, I recently lost my main day job and have been busy job hunting while also taking care of an injured relative, but I'm still trying my best to put out new stuff so if you have a question for this month, please hit me up here.



Dang, I hope things get better for you, job hunting is never a fun time. As for the question I was curious if the were-futa sisters have more demonic forms like Hazel and they just kinda hold back against new turns.


Hope you find a good job soon that allows you a good work/life balance and allows you to take care of everything you need and a little bit extra. for the OC question: Do Dr.Jekyll & Ms.Hyde have anybody they're comfortable with knowing their secret? What sort of shenanigans do they like to get up to? I was thinking maybe Jekyll might feel a little lonely not having someone to talk about her Hyde stuff. And was wondering if maybe someone she can metaphorically let her hair down with and be herself with. That both Jekyll and Hyde both enjoy hanging around and having fun with....um, did I go a little overboard with this? :(