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So I've been thinking a bit about my rewards system and I've noticed a lot of the top tier will drop down to mid level or just unsubscribe after they get their pic. Now that's completely understandable, if you got your reward there's no real benefit to keep paying that $10 a month. 

So I figure I should maybe sweeten the pot a little bit so people will stay at the higher level for longer. So from now on, if you stay at the top level, I'll make you a new pic/sequence every 6 months. I won't even make it consecutive months, so if you were subscribed at the top level for 2 months and then dropped down, if you rejoin for another 4 months, I'd count that.  Hopefully that sounds good?

It might take me a while to cut through the backlog of people who stayed subscribed so bear with me here while I work through both that and the new comic.



Works for me!